From: "Rozier, Kristin-Yvonne [AER E]" <>
(apologies for multiple copies)
2023 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD): Student Forum
October 23-27, Ames, Iowa, USA
Call for Student Contributions!
Please consider submitting or encouraging your students to submit to
this year's FMCAD student forum. More information can be found here:
Student Forum
Continuing the tradition of the previous years, FMCAD 2023 is hosting
a Student Forum that provides a platform for students at any career
stage (undergraduate or graduate) to introduce their research to the
wider Formal Methods community, and solicit feedback.
Main Activities
Each student will give a short presentation and present their poster
in the poster session.
Submissions for the event must be short reports describing research
ideas or ongoing work that the student is currently pursuing and must
be within the scope of FMCAD. Work, part of which has been previously
published, will be considered; the novel aspect to be addressed in
future work must be clearly described in such cases. All submissions
will be reviewed by the Student Forum's program committee.
Important Dates
Student forum submission: July 12, 2023
Student forum notification: Aug 10, 2023
These deadlines are 11:59 pm AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
The event will consist of short presentations by the student authors
of each accepted submission and of a poster that will be on display
throughout the duration of the conference. All participants of the
conference are encouraged to attend the talks and approach the
students during the poster presentation. Instructions for the
preparation of the talks and poster sessions will be announced on
notification of acceptance.
Accepted submissions will be listed, with title and author name, in
the event description in the conference proceedings. The authors will
also have the option to upload their slide deck/poster/presentation to
the FMCAD website. The report itself will not appear in the FMCAD
proceedings. Thus, the presentation at the forum should not interfere
with potential future submissions of this research (to FMCAD or
Travel Awards
Most of the applicants will receive travel reimbursement after the
conference (the amount of support will be announced later). The first
author of each contribution will be given priority over other authors.
Please make sure you hold on to all receipts for reimbursement.
Further instructions on how to apply for travel grants will be on the
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| ( ) | ###[==_____>
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/ | | | | \
/ |=|==|=| \ Kristin Yvonne Rozier, Ph.D.
/ | | | | \ Associate Professor, Iowa State Univ
/ USA | ~||~ |NASA \ Departments of Aerospace Engineering,
|______| ~~ |______| Computer Science, Mathematics, and
(__||__) Electrical and Computer Engineering
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!!! !!!
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC