From: Rohit Dureja <>
(apologies for multiple copies)
2022 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD): Call for Papers
Abstract Submission: May 8, 2022
Paper Submission: May 15, 2022
Author Response: June 22 - 24, 2022
Author Notification: July 1, 2022
Camera-Ready Version: August 16, 2022
All deadlines are 11:59 pm AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
FMCAD Tutorial Day: Oct. 18, 2022
Regular Program: Oct. 19-21, 2022
Part of the FMCAD 2022 program: FMCAD Student Forum
FMCAD 2022 is the twenty-second in a series of conferences on the theory
and applications of formal methods in hardware and system
verification. FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia
and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods,
technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally
about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided
system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and
FMCAD employs a rigorous peer-review process. Accepted papers are
published by TU Wien Academic Press under a Creative Commons license
(the authors retain the copyright) and distributed through the IEEE
XPlore digital library. There are no publication fees. At least one of
the authors is required to register for the conference and present the
accepted paper.
FMCAD welcomes submission of papers reporting original research on
advances in all aspects of formal methods and their applications to
computer-aided design. Topics of interest include (but are not limited
Model checking, theorem proving, equivalence checking, abstraction and
reduction, compositional methods, decision procedures at the bit- and
word-level, probabilistic methods, combinations of deductive methods
and decision procedures.
Synthesis and compilation for computer system descriptions, modeling,
specification, and implementation languages, formal semantics of
languages and their subsets, model-based design, design derivation and
transformation, correct-by-construction methods.
Application of formal and semi-formal methods to functional and
non-functional specification and validation of hardware and software,
including timing and power modeling, verification of computing systems
on all levels of abstraction, system-level design and verification for
embedded systems, cyber-physical systems, automotive systems and other
safety-critical systems, hardware-software co-design and verification,
and transaction-level verification.
Experience with the application of formal and semi-formal methods to
industrial-scale designs; tools that represent formal verification
enablement, new features, or a substantial improvement in the
automation of formal methods.
Application of formal methods to verifying safety, connectivity and
security properties of networks, distributed systems, smart contracts,
block chains, and IoT devices.
Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format via EasyChair:
Two categories of papers are invited: Regular papers, and Tool & Case
Study papers. Regular papers are expected to offer novel foundational
ideas, theoretical results, or algorithmic improvements to existing
methods, along with experimental impact validation where
applicable. Tool & Case Study papers are expected to report on the
design, implementation or use of verification (or related) technology in
a practically relevant context (which need not be industrial), and its
impact on design processes.
Both Regular and Tool & Case study papers must use the IEEE Transactions
format on letter-size paper with a 10-point font size. Papers in both
categories can be either 8 pages (long) or 4 pages (short) in length not
including references. Short papers that describe emerging results,
practical experiences, or original ideas that can be described
succinctly are encouraged. Authors will be required to select an
appropriate paper category at abstract submission time. Submissions may
contain an optional appendix, which will not appear in the final version
of the paper. The reviewers should be able to assess the quality and the
relevance of the results in the paper without reading the appendix.
Submissions in both categories must contain original research that has
not been previously published, nor is concurrently submitted for
publication. Any partial overlap with published or concurrently
submitted papers must be clearly indicated. If experimental results are
reported, authors are strongly encouraged to provide the reviewers
access to their data at submission time, so that results can be
independently verified. The review process is single blind.
Authors of accepted contributions will be required to sign the FMCAD
copyright transfer form found here:
Continuing the tradition of the previous years, FMCAD 2022 is hosting a
Student Forum that provides a platform for graduate students at any
career stage to introduce their research to the wider Formal Methods
community, and solicit feedback.
Submissions for the event must be short reports describing research
ideas or ongoing work that the student is currently pursuing, and must
be within the scope of FMCAD. Work, part of which has been previously
published, will be considered; the novel aspect to be addressed in
future work must be clearly described in such cases. All submissions
will be reviewed by a select group of FMCAD program committee members.
14th International Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and
Experiments (VSTTE 2022):
Alberto Griggio Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Neha Rungta Amazon Web Services, Inc., CA, USA
Erika Abraham RWTH Aachen University
Jade Alglave University College London
Josh Berdine Facebook
Per Bjesse Synopsys Inc.
Nikolaj Bjorner Microsoft Research
Roderick Bloem Graz University of Technology
Supratik Chakraborty IIT Bombay
Sylvain Conchon Universite Paris-Sud
Vijay D'Silva Google
Rayna Dimitrova CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Rohit Dureja IBM
Grigory Fedukovich Florida State University
Arie Gurfinkel University of Waterloo
Fei He Tsinghua University
Alexander Ivrii IBM
Barbara Jobstmann EPFL
Tim King Google
Kuldeep Meel National University of Singapore
Sergio Mover École Polytechnique
Alexander Nadel Intel
Aina Niemetz Stanford University
Elizabeth Polgreen University of California Berkeley
Rahul Purandare IIT-Delhi
Andrew Reynolds University of Iowa
Marco Roveri Università di Trento
Kristin Yvonne Rozier Iowa State University
Philipp Ruemmer Uppsala University
Cristoph Scholl University of Freiburg
Natasha Sharygina USI Lugano
Elena Sherman University of Iowa
Sharon Shoham Tel Aviv University
Anna Slobodova Intel
Christoph Sticksel The Mathworks
Michael Tautschnig AWS
Nestan Tsiskaridze Stanford University
Yakir Vizel Technion
Georg Weissenbacher Vienna University of Technology
Michael Whalen Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Mathias Preiner Stanford University, CA, USA
Martin Jonáš Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Georg Weissenbacher TU Wien
Clark Barrett Stanford University, CA, USA
Armin Biere University of Freiburg, Germany
Anna Slobodova Intel Corporation, TX, USA
Georg Weissenbacher TU Vienna, Austria
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC