From: Mark Utting <>
Dear Isabelle users,
Can anyone suggest how I might debug a Match exception error in a ‘value’ command?
(We are using code_pred to generate code for some large inductive definitions).
The error says:
exception Match raised (line 8703 of "generated code")
I’ve tried using export_code to generate the SML code corresponding to the code_pred.
But the line numbers in the generated code (only 8393 lines) do not match the above error.
If I try to run the generated export.ML file directly:
$ isabelle process -o ML_exception_debugger=true -o ML_debugger=true -f export.ML
It just reports an equally unhelpful error message, with no line number this time:
Exception- Match raised
Error trying to use the file: 'export.ML'
I’ve also tried turning on some debugger flags, but get no extra output:
$ isabelle process -o ML_exception_debugger=true -o ML_debugger=true -f export.ML
Is there any way of tracing the execution?
Or seeing the actual code that is being executed?
Or generating a full exception stack trace?
PS. A subset of our definitions is:
inductive object_test :: "Program ⇒ Signature ⇒ Value list ⇒ (Value ⇒ FieldRefHeap ⇒ bool) => bool"
"⟦Some init = prog '''';
config0 = (init, 0, new_map_state, ps);
prog ⊢ ([config0, config0], new_heap) | [] ⟶* ((end1 # xs1), heap1) | l1;
Some g = prog m;
config1 = (g, 0, new_map_state, ps);
prog ⊢ ([config1, config1], heap1) | [] ⟶* ((end2 # xs2), heap2) | l2;
result = get_result end2;
checker result heap2 ⟧
⟹ object_test prog m ps checker" |
"⟦'''' ∉ dom prog;
Some g = prog m;
config1 = (g, 0, new_map_state, ps);
prog ⊢ ([config1, config1], new_heap) | [] ⟶* ((end2 # xs2), heap2) | l2;
result = get_result end2;
checker result heap2 ⟧
⟹ object_test prog m ps checker"
code_pred (modes: i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ bool as testObj) object_test .
thm object_test.equation (* view the code_pred equations *)
export_code testObj in SML module_name TestObj
fun check_result_2 :: "Value ⇒ FieldRefHeap ⇒ bool" where
"check_result_2 (ObjRef x) h = (h_load_field ''value'' x h = (IntVal32 (120)))" |
"check_result_2 _ _ = False"
(* this throws exception Match raised (line 8703…) *)
value "object_test unit_factAsAnObject_2 ''FactResult'' [(IntVal32 (5))] check_result_2"
Associate Professor Mark Utting
MSc Waikato, PhD UNSW
Discipline Leader, Cyber Security and Software Engineering
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
The University of Queensland
Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia
T +61 7 3365 2386
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From: Florian Märkl <>
Hi Mark,
it’s hard to reproduce your particular case without the definitions around, but here is a small example to get an exception trace:
definition broken_deeper :: "nat ⇒ nat" where "broken_deeper n ≡ case n of 0 ⇒ 42"
definition broken :: "nat ⇒ nat" where "broken n ≡ broken_deeper n"
definition some_arg :: nat where "some_arg ≡ 42"
declare [[ML_debugger]]
ML‹Runtime.exn_debugger (fn () => @{code ‹broken›} @{code ‹some_arg›})›
I recently had to figure this out too and was quite confused by all the different options that exist, but eventually this message by Makarius got me on the right track:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC