From: "Thiemann, René" <>
Dear all,
I’d like to forward this announcement about the summer school on rewriting ISR 2024,
where tracks B and C also cover topics about interactive theorem proving.
14th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2024)
August 25 - September 1, Obergurgl, Austria
ISR 2024 is aimed at master and PhD students, researchers and practitioners
interested in the study of rewriting concepts and their applications. It
offers three parallel tracks, taught by well-known experts:
Track A: comprehensive introduction to first-order term rewriting
lecturer: Aart Middeldorp
Track B: comprehensive introduction to type theory and lambda calculus
lecturers: Herman Geuvers and Niels van der Weide
Track C: advanced courses on
Interoperability of Proof Systems using Lambdapi
lecturer: Frederic Blanqui
Randomized Programming and Rewriting
lecturer: Ugo Dal Lago
Tools in Rewriting
lecturer: Nao Hirokawa
Termination and Complexity in Higher-Order Term Rewriting
lecturer: Cynthia Kop
SAT/SMT Solving and Applications in Rewriting
lecturer: Sarah Winkler
Each track consists of 20 slots of 90 minutes. Further details (including
registration information) can be found on the website of ISR 2024:
ISR 2024 is organized by Aart Middeldorp, Georg Moser and Rene Thiemann.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC