From: Liron Cohen <>
Second Call for Papers — ITP 2021
The International conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2021) will take place on June 29-July 1, 2021 in Rome, Italy. It will be co-located with LICS and ICTCS conferences.
ITP will carefully monitor the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, and take guidance from the health authorities, to determine whether ITP21 will be held physically, virtually or in a hybrid manner.
The ITP conference series is concerned with all aspects of interactive theorem proving, ranging from theoretical foundations to implementation aspects and applications in program verification, security, and the formalization of mathematics. This will be the 12th conference in the ITP series, while predecessor conferences from which it has evolved have been going since 1988.
ITP welcomes submissions describing original research on all aspects of interactive theorem proving and its applications. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
• formalizations of computational models
• improvements in theorem prover technology
• formalizations of mathematics
• integration with automated provers and other symbolic tools
• verification of security algorithms
• industrial applications of interactive theorem provers
• formal aspects of hardware and software
• user interfaces for interactive theorem provers
• use of theorem provers in education
• concise and elegant worked examples of formalizations (proof pearls)
Paper Submission
Submissions will undergo single-blind peer review. They should be no more than 16 pages in length excluding bibliographic references and are to be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair via the following link:
We also welcome short papers, which can be used to describe interesting work that is still ongoing and not fully mature. Such a preliminary report is limited to 6 pages and may consist of an extended abstract. Each of these papers should bear the phrase “(short paper)” beneath the title. Accepted submissions in this category will be published in the main proceedings and will be presented as short talks.
All submissions are expected to be accompanied by verifiable evidence of a suitable implementation, such as the source files of a formalization for the proof assistant used.
Important Dates
• Abstract submission deadline: January 25, 2021
• Paper submission deadline: February 1, 2021
• Author notification: March 25, 2021
• Camera-ready copy due: April 20, 2021
• Conference: June 29-July 1, 2021
Publication Details
The conference proceedings will be published in the LIPIcs series (“Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics”). This was chosen in large part because of its commitment to free and open access to all papers. For more information on the series see and for more detailed instructions for authors on document preparation:
Program Committee Chairs
Liron Cohen, Ben-Gurion University
Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck<>
Program Committee
Andreas Abel, Gothenburg University
June Andronick, CSIRO|Data61 and UNSW
Jesús Aransay, Universidad de La Rioja
Jeremy Avigad, Carnegie Mellon University
Christoph Benzmüller, Freie Universität Berlin
Jasmin Blanchette, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Adam Chlipala, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen, University of Bologna
Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft
Valeria de Paiva, Samsung Research America and University of Birmingham
Gilles Dowek, INRIA and ENS Paris-Saclay
Amy Felty, University of Ottawa
Hugo Herbelin, INRIA
Shachar Itzhaky, Technion
Chantal Keller, LRI, Université Paris-Sud
Michael Kohlhase, Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Peter Lammich, Institut fuer Informatik, TU Munich
Assia Mahboubi, INRIA
Stephan Merz, Inria Nancy
César Muñoz , NASA
Cláudia Nalon, University of Brasília
Adam Naumowicz, Institute of Informatics, University of Bialystok, Poland
Tobias Nipkow, Technical University of Munich
Michael Norrish, CSIRO
John O’Leary, Intel
Lawrence Paulson, University of Cambridge
Damien Pous, CNRS – ENS Lyon
Vincent Rahli, University of Birmingham
Matthieu Sozeau, INRIA
Andrew Tolmach, Portland State University
Christian Urban, King’s College London
Josef Urban, Czech Technical University in Prague
Organization Chair
Daniele Gorla, Sapienza Università di Roma
Steering Committee
Mauricio Ayala-Rincon, Brasilia University
Yves Bertot, INRIA
Jasmin Blanchette, Vrije University Amsterdam
Amy Felty, University of Ottawa
Gerwin Klein, Data61, CSIRO and UNSW Sydney
Pete Manolios, Northeastern University
Magnus Myreen, Chalmers University
Larry Paulson, University of Cambridge (chair)
Andrew Tolmach, Portland State University (ex officio)
Christian Urban, King’s College London
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC