From: "Thiemann, René" <>
ITP 2023: First Call for Papers
The international conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2023) will take
place on July 31 to August 4, 2023 in Bialystok, Poland. It is planned as a
face-to-face (physical) meeting.
The ITP conference series is concerned with all aspects of interactive theorem
proving, ranging from theoretical foundations to implementation aspects and
applications in program verification, security, and the formalization of
mathematics. This will be the 14th conference in the ITP series, while
predecessor conferences from which it has evolved have been going since 1988.
Paper Submission
ITP welcomes submissions describing original research on all aspects of
interactive theorem proving and its applications. Suggested topics include, but
are not limited to, the following:
Submissions will undergo single-blind peer review.
Regular papers should be no more than 16 pages in length excluding bibliographic
references in LIPIcs format, and they should not include an appendix. For
detailed instructions for authors on document preparation see:
We also welcome short papers, which can be used to describe interesting work
that is still ongoing and not fully mature. Such a preliminary report is limited
to 6 pages and may consist of an extended abstract. Each of these papers should
have the phrase "Short paper" as a subtitle. Accepted submissions in this
category will be published in the main proceedings and will be presented as
short talks.
The papers are to be submitted via EasyChair via the following link:
All submissions are expected to be accompanied by verifiable evidence of a
suitable implementation, such as the source files of a formalization for the
proof assistant used.
Important Dates (AoE)
Abstract submission deadline: February 13, 2023
Paper submission deadline: February 20, 2023
Author notification: April 17, 2023
Camera-ready copy due: May 15, 2023
Conference: July 31 to August 4, 2023
Publication Details
As in earlier years, the conference proceedings will be published open access in
the LIPIcs series ("Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics"). For more
information on the series see
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC