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Topic: [isabelle] Inconsistent parsing and highlighting of bound...

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Oct 14 2022 at 14:59):

From: Peter Lammich <>
Hello List,

I just ran into an effect where Isabelle syntax-highlights statements in
an inconsistent way, that suggests a different statement from what is
actually proved!

When trying to use constant names as pattern variables in case
expressions, something in Isabelle's parser goes utterly wrong:

definition "b = 0"


Here the b in the pattern is highlighted black (indicating a constant),
the type is inferred from the !!-bound variable, but in the actual
statement that is proved, the b in "b=fst a" refers to the variable
bound by the case pattern!

The effect occurs in 2021-1 and 2022-RC2

-- Peter

More details and variations of this effect:

definition "b≡0"

lemma "case a of (b,c) ⇒ b = fst a"  *** Not a datatype constructor:

lemma foo: "case a of (b,c) ⇒ b = fst a" for b by auto

All fine, proves "case ?a of (bxx,c) ⇒ bxx = fst ?a", but the b in the
pattern is pretty-printed as constant (black), but not linked to
Scratch.b (via ctrl click). The  b on the rhs (in b = ...) is, however,
ctrl-click linked to the "for b" clause.

lemma "⋀b. case a of (b,c) ⇒ b=fst a" by auto
// same as above. b in pattern highlighted as constant, b on rhs
ctrl-click linked to !!b, but lemma proved is "case ?a of (bxx, c) ⇒ bxx
= fst ?a"

Even worse, the parsing error even makes it into the type inference:

lemma "⋀b::nat. case a of (b,c) ⇒ b=fst a" by auto
proves a statement for a::(nat * _)

term ‹λb. b=0›  *** highlighted as expected
term ‹λ(b,c). b=0› *** highlighted as expected
term ‹λ(b,c) ⇒ b=0› *** Not a datatype constructor: "Scratch.b"

If you change b to be a datatype constructor, things slightly change,
but still go wrong:

datatype foo = b

lemma "case a of (b,c) ⇒ b = fst a" by (auto split: foo.split) ** as

lemma foo: "case a of (b,c) ⇒ b = fst a" for b :: nat by auto

** b in pattern still highlighted black, statement proved is "case ?a of
(bxx::nat,c) ⇒ bxx = fst ?a"

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC