From: Xueying Qin <>
Hi Isabelle-users,
I am currently working on proving some properties of a formalised semantics in Isabelle.
Since we modelled our semantics using an omega-cpo, we would like to know if there is any exiting Isabelle library of an omega-cpo that we can use?
PS: We have previously tried HOLCF, however since we cannot stay entirely within the HOLCF library it seems not to be a feasible option.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Kind regards,
Xueying Qin
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From: Xueying Qin <>
Hi Akihisa,
Thank you very much for your suggestions!
We will certainly have a look at the library and see if it is feasible.
We are currently using the Complete_Partial_Order library for the mechanisation. However such approach does not maintain the continuity assumptions therefore potentially creates some “junk” in our semantics, hence we would like to switch to an omega-cpo.
Kind regards,
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC