From: "Max W. Haslbeck" <>
Hi everyone,
We ran into the following problem last week when we had a new submission to the AFP.
Consider this minimal Isabelle session (see also the attached archive):
The ROOT file has the following content:
session Minimal = HOL +
The root.tex file is a minimal Isabelle LaTeX file with NO \bibliography command.
The command isabelle build -d . -o document=pdf Minimal
has the following output:
Running Minimal ...
Minimal FAILED
(see also /Users/mhaslbeck/.isabelle/Isabelle2020/heaps/polyml-5.8.1_x86_64-darwin/log/Minimal)
Loading theory "Minimal.Submission"
### theory "Minimal.Submission"
### 0.014s elapsed time, 0.027s cpu time, 0.000s GC time
isabelle document -d /Users/mhaslbeck/.isabelle/Isabelle2020/browser_info/Unsorted/Minimal/document -o pdf -n document
*** Failed to build document in "/Users/mhaslbeck/.isabelle/Isabelle2020/browser_info/Unsorted/Minimal/document"
Unfinished session(s): Minimal
0:00:05 elapsed time
The "*** Failed to build …" line is the only error message I was able to find and nothing more. isabelle document
seems to have a problem with the reference to the root.bib file in the ROOT file that then isn’t actually used in root.tex.
If I remove the reference to "root.bib" from the ROOT file, the build process succeeds. Or I can add
to root.tex for a successful build.
So, I just wanted to report that. I think, a more descriptive error message would be helpful here.
From: Florian Haftmann <>
Hi Max,
The root.tex file is a minimal Isabelle LaTeX file with NO \bibliography command.
The command
isabelle build -d . -o document=pdf Minimal
has the following output:
Running Minimal ...
Minimal FAILED
(see also /Users/mhaslbeck/.isabelle/Isabelle2020/heaps/polyml-5.8.1_x86_64-darwin/log/Minimal)
Loading theory "Minimal.Submission"theory "Minimal.Submission"
0.014s elapsed time, 0.027s cpu time, 0.000s GC time
isabelle document -d /Users/mhaslbeck/.isabelle/Isabelle2020/browser_info/Unsorted/Minimal/document -o pdf -n document
*** Failed to build document in "/Users/mhaslbeck/.isabelle/Isabelle2020/browser_info/Unsorted/Minimal/document"
Unfinished session(s): Minimal
0:00:05 elapsed time
as far as I know this terse message is due to bibtex returning a non-0
exit value without further error messages in absence of bib entries,
making the &&-chain
"{ [ ! -f " + root_bash("bib") + " ] || " + latex_bash("bbl") + "; }", (***)
"{ [ ! -f " + root_bash("idx") + " ] || " + latex_bash("idx") + "; }",
latex_bash(document_format)).mkString(" && "))
in present.scala break at (***), where bibtex is called by «isabelle
latex -o bbl«
Maybe an explicit error message issued by isabelle latex in that case
would be appropriate. But that would need further investigation.
From: Makarius <>
I have investigated this: the bibtex tool is very old-fashioned, and does not
know about Unix conventions for stdout vs. stderr.
So I have inserted a little perl magic (for the Isabelle2021 release,
presumably in Feb-2021):
The result is like this:
Running Minimal ...
Minimal FAILED
(see also /home/makarius/.isabelle/heaps/polyml-5.8.2_x86_64_32-linux/log/Minimal)
Loading theory "Minimal.Submission"
isabelle document -d output/document -o pdf -n document
*** bibtex found no \citation commands---while reading file root.aux
*** bibtex found no \bibdata command---while reading file root.aux
*** bibtex found no \bibstyle command---while reading file root.aux
*** Failed to build document in "/home/makarius/tmp/Minimal/output/document"
Unfinished session(s): Minimal
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC