From: Lars-Henrik Eriksson <>
How do you pass JVM options to JEdit when running the Isabelle2022 "app" under Linux?
I assume they should go in $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/settings, but I haven't found a suitable variable in the Isabelle systems manual. I've tried JEDIT_JAVA_SYSTEM_OPTIONS but that doesn't work.
It does work fine using the "-J" command line option when running Isabelle/JEdit from the command line with "isabelle jedit", so I know that the JVM options as such are correct.
Lars-Henrik Eriksson, PhD, Senior Lecturer
Computing Science, Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden
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From: Makarius <>
Just edit the text file "".
From: Lars-Henrik Eriksson <>
26 okt. 2022 kl. 16:40 skrev Makarius <>:
Can you do this on a per-user basis rather than in the common Isabelle installation? (This is on a server machine, not a personal one.)
Lars-Henrik Eriksson, PhD, Senior Lecturer
Computing Science, Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden
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From: Makarius <>
In that case you should edit "" to
make it do whatever you see fit --- it is an exercise in Bash Shell programming.
From: Lars-Henrik Eriksson <>
26 okt. 2022 kl. 19:10 skrev Makarius <>:
Thanks! Bash shell programming is no problem.
But ought there not be a canonical way of setting user options?
Lars-Henrik Eriksson, PhD, Senior Lecturer
Computing Science, Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden
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From: Makarius <>
These are not user settings, but parameters to the initial JVM. This could be
done differently, and has in fact changed several times already. The shell
script is relatively new: before it was some binary app launcher with its own
properties for the JVM; the Isabelle.options imitate that setup.
Note that for the "app" there is somehow the idea that it is locally installed
for a single user. Genuine multi-user installations (or multi-platform
installations) are rare these days: they work better without the desktop app,
but plain command-line tools like "isabelle jedit". These are subject to the
normal settings environment, e.g. via $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/settings.
Another thing to be reconsidered is the distinction of "isabelle jedit" or
"isabelle vscode" in the app.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC