From: Dominic Mulligan <>
There appears to be a LaTeX issue with \isasymlonglonglongrightarrow
Trying to build a session where the Isabelle symbol
is used in a session theory file causes a LaTeX
build failure with an undefined control sequence error:
Undefined control sequence.
\isasymlonglonglongrightarrow ...nglongrightarrow
Note that this is with amsmath
imported as a dependency in the session
file. Strangely, this error does not occur with
and \isasymlonglongrightarrow
despite the two LaTeX
macros being defined next to each other in isabellesym.sty
and defined
largely in the same way.
Has anybody seen this issue before?
From: Makarius <>
I have not seen anything like this recently, although LaTeX problems do occur
routinely at times: there are too many different LaTeX distributions around.
There can be also problems in your own Isabelle document setup.
The longlong... arrows are properly rendered e.g. in the "isar-ref" manual
(Appendix B) from Isabelle2022-RC3, see
The sources for that are here:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC