From: "Hu, Jilin" <>
Hello everyone,
Is there some examples or tutorials for the transfer package? I am learning the transfer but the only introduction I can find is the paper “Lifting and Transfer: A Modular Design for Quotients in Isabelle/HOL”.
For example, below is a basic structure. What is transfer doing specifically? How can I understand what happens when “apply transfer”.
Thank you very much!
Jilin Hu
From: Gunnar Teege <>
Am 03.10.24 um 21:48 schrieb Hu, Jilin:
Is there some examples or tutorials for the transfer package? I am
learning the transfer but the only introduction I can find is the paper
“Lifting and Transfer: A Modular Design for Quotients in Isabelle/HOL”.
I am not aware of any other, only the (very short) description in the
Isar reference manual. However, I am currently working on a section
about lifting and transfer for the next release of my "Gentle
introduction to Isabelle and Isabelle HOL". You may look forward to it.
For example, below is a basic structure. What is transfer doing
specifically? How can I understand what happens when “apply transfer”.
Put simply it replaces functions defined by lift_definition by their
definition. In your example it replaces pos_mult by the multiplication
(*). Additionally it adapts quantification of variables of type pos_int
according to the type definition. So in your example "apply transfer"
replaces the goal by
⋀(x::nat) y::nat. ⟦(0::nat) < x; (0::nat) < y⟧ ⟹ x * y = y * x
which can be solved by (simp add: mult.commute).
From: Kevin Kappelmann <>
Hi Jilin,
You can read about the details of the algorithm in Ondřej Kunčar's thesis:
Best wishes,
On 03.10.24 21:48, Hu, Jilin wrote:
Hello everyone,
Is there some examples or tutorials for the transfer package? I am
learning the transfer but the only introduction I can find is the paper
“Lifting and Transfer: A Modular Design for Quotients in Isabelle/HOL”.For example, below is a basic structure. What is transfer doing
specifically? How can I understand what happens when “apply transfer”.Thank you very much!
Jilin Hu
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC