From: Thorsten Wissmann <>
41st Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics
June 16-20, 2025 in Glasgow, Scotland
Joint with CALCO
IMPORTANT DATES (anywhere on earth):
We are delighted to announce the 41st Conference on the Mathematical
Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS 2025). It will take place at the
University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland.
MFPS conferences are dedicated to the areas of mathematics, logic, and computer
science that are related to models of computation in general, and to semantics
of programming languages in particular. This is a forum where researchers in
mathematics and computer science can meet and exchange ideas. The participation
of researchers in neighbouring areas is strongly encouraged.
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: bio-computation;
concurrent qualitative and quantitative distributed systems; process calculi;
probabilistic systems; constructive mathematics; domain theory and categorical
models; formal languages; formal methods; game semantics; lambda calculus;
programming language theory; quantum computation; security; topological models;
logic; type systems; type theory; denotational and operational semantics;
rewrite theory; proof theory. We also welcome contributions that address
applications of semantics to novel areas.
Quantitative Semantics, organized by Ugo Dal Lago (joint session with CALCO)
Mathematics of Natural Language, organized by Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
Types and the Extraction of Correct Programs, organized by Ulrich Berger
Clemens Kupke, University of Strathclyde
Bob Atkey, University of Strathclyde
Dilsat Bilal Yuksel, University of Strathclyde
Submissions are made through EasyChair
Papers can be at most 15 pages long, excluding bibliography, and should be
prepared using the MFPS macros (
A preliminary version will be distributed at the meeting. Final proceedings
will be published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer
Science (ENTICS). This new open-access series is hosted by as
an overlay for papers published by the CORR arXiv or HAL.
For any further information about MFPS 2025, please contact the co-chairs:
Clemens Kupke and Stefan Milius
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC