From: "Thiemann, René" <>
Dear all,
I’m happy to announce a new AFP entry:
A Proof of Hilbert Basis Theorem and an Extension to Formal Power Series
by Benjamin Puyobro, Benoît Ballenghien and Burkhart Wolff
The Hilbert Basis Theorem is enlisted in the extension of Wiedijk's catalogue
"Formalizing 100 Theorems", a well-known collection of challenge problems for
the formalization of mathematics.
In this paper, we present a formal proof of several versions of this theorem in
Isabelle/HOL. Hilbert's basis theorem asserts that every ideal of a polynomial
ring over a commutative ring has a finite generating family (a finite basis in
Hilbert's terminology). A prominent alternative formulation is: every polynomial
ring over a Noetherian ring is also Noetherian.
In more detail, the statement and our generalization can be presented as follows:
Hilbert's Basis Theorem. Let R[X] denote the ring of polynomials in the
indeterminate X over the commutative ring R. Then R[X] is Noetherian if and
only if R is.
Corollary. R[X_1, ..., X_n] is Noetherian if and only if R is.
Extension. If R is a Noetherian ring, then R[[X]] is a Noetherian ring,
where R[[X]] denotes the formal power series over the ring R.
We also provide isomorphisms between the three types of polynomial rings defined
in HOL-Algebra. Together with the fact that the Noetherian property is preserved
by isomorphism, we get Hilbert's Basis Theorem for all three models. We believe
that this technique has a wider potential of applications in the AFP library.
For further details, have a look at:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC