From: "Thiemann, René" <>
Dear all,
I’m happy to announce two AFP entries on extended finite state machines
by Michael Foster, Achim D. Brucker, Ramsay G. Taylor and John Derrick.
A Formal Model of Extended Finite State Machines
In this AFP entry, we provide a formalisation of extended finite state machines
(EFSMs) where models are represented as finite sets of transitions between
states. EFSMs execute traces to produce observable outputs. We also define
various simulation and equality metrics for EFSMs in terms of traces and prove
their strengths in relation to each other. Another key contribution is a
framework of function definitions such that LTL properties can be phrased over
EFSMs. Finally, we provide a simple example case study in the form of a drinks
Inference of Extended Finite State Machines
In this AFP entry, we provide a formal implementation of a state-merging
technique to infer extended finite state machines (EFSMs), complete with output
and update functions, from black-box traces. In particular, we define the
subsumption in context relation as a means of determining whether one transition
is able to account for the behaviour of another. Building on this, we define the
direct subsumption relation, which lifts the subsumption in context relation to
EFSM level such that we can use it to determine whether it is safe to merge a
given pair of transitions. Key proofs include the conditions necessary for
subsumption to occur and that subsumption and direct subsumption are preorder
relations. We also provide a number of different heuristics which can be used to
abstract away concrete values into registers so that more states and transitions
can be merged and provide proofs of the various conditions which must hold for
these abstractions to subsume their ungeneralised counterparts. A Code Generator
setup to create executable Scala code is also defined.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC