From: "Thiemann, René" <>
Dear all,
I’d like to announce a new AFP-entry.
Turán's Graph Theorem
by Nils Lauermann
Turán's Graph Theorem states that any undirected, simple graph with n vertices
that does not contain a p-clique, contains at most (1 - 1/(p-1)) * n^2 / 2
edges. The theorem is an important result in graph theory and the foundation of
the field of extremal graph theory. The formalisation follows Aigner and
Ziegler's presentation in Proofs from THE BOOK of Turán's initial proof. Besides
a direct adaptation of the textbook proof, a simplified, second proof is
presented which decreases the size of the formalised proof significantly.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC