From: Zena Matilde Ariola <>
We are excited to announce that the 24th annual Oregon Programming
Languages Summer School (OPLSS) will take place from June 23 to July 5, 2025, at
the University of Oregon in Eugene. We are looking forward to being back
in Oregon!
This year's theme will be "Types, Logic, and Formal Methods."
The program will feature the following speakers and topics:
Nada Amin - Harvard University
Valeria De Paiva - Topos Institute
Lambda-calculi for logics
Kathleen Fisher - DARPA
Formal methods for natural security
Limin Jia - Carnegie Mellon University
Information Flow Type Systems
Delia Kesner - Université de Paris
Lambda Calculi Through the Lens of Linear Logic
Kathryn S McKinley - Google
System design and innovation: A Garbage Collection Case Study
Anja Petković Komel - TU Wien and Argot Collective
Introduction to Type Theories
Brigitte Pientka - McGill University
Introduction to Logical Foundations
Paige Randall North - Utrecht University
Introduction to Category Theory
Emina Torlak - Amazon Web Services
Cedar: A New Language for Expressive, Fast, Safe, and Analyzable Authorization
Caterina Urban - INRIA
Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analysis
Niki Vazou - IMDEA Software Institute
Refinements Types
Jeannette Wing - Columbia University
Trustworthy AI
Ningning Xie - University of Toronto.
Algebraic effects and handlers
More details about the registration process will be
available soon on the OPLSS website
OPLSS 2025 Organization Team
Alexandra Silva, Silvia Ghilezan, and Zena M. Ariola

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC