From: Peter Lammich <>
Dear list,
I've encountered the following unexpected behavior of the function
package. Defining a primitive recursive function with fun yields a THM
exception, if
the recursion goes through a Bex and an If. Using Ex x. x:A & ...
instead of Bex, or using primrec, works though. Is this behaviour to be
Broken down example below.
(note, I'm still on Isabelle 2023)
From: Manuel Eberl <>
For reference, here is the exception trace. Just from looking at it, it
seems to me like this could be an issue with η-expansion. The premise in
the implication is exactly the same as the theorem with which it is to
be eliminated, except for η-expansion.
I don't know that code in the function package at all; I am not even
sure what it does. The obvious solution would be to eta-contract before
applying this elimination, but it would be good to investigate if there
is some deeper systemic problem here. After all, η-expansion/contraction
regularly causes problems like this.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC