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Topic: [isabelle] Postdoc position on Formal Methods and Testing...

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Sep 04 2020 at 09:14):

From: Bernhard Aichernig <>
I am looking for a University Assistant (postdoc) to join my research
group at Graz University of Technology, Austria. We do research in the
areas of formal methods, testing and automata learning. The group
combines verification, falsification, modelling, and learning.

The postdoc will do fundamental research in the new TU Graz-SAL
Dependable Embedded Systems Lab (DES Lab) where we research new
methods for zero-bug software and dependable AI. In the DES Lab she/he
will collaborate with SAL ( and a
team around six well-known researchers of TU Graz: Marcel Baunach
(embedded systems), Roderick Bloem (verification, synthesis), Robert
Legenstein (computational neuroscience, machine learning), Stefan
Mangard (security), Thomas Pock (optimisation, machine learning), and

Needed qualification: completed doctoral studies in computer science,
software engineering or a comparable subject.

Wanted qualifications:

Application deadline: 30 Sep 2020.

For further details and information how to apply, see:

A brief description of the DES Lab can be found on my homepage:

In case of questions, feel free to contact me via email: Bernhard Aichernig <>

Dr. Bernhard K. Aichernig, Associate Professor (ao. Univ.-Prof.), IST, TU Graz

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC