From: Mathias Fleury <>
SAT/SMT/AR 2024: International Summer School on Satisfiability,
Satisfiability Modulo Theories, and Automated Reasoning
June 26-29, 2024, Nancy, France
Satisfiability (SAT), Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), and
Automated Reasoning (AR) continue to make rapid advances and find novel
uses in a wide variety of applications, both in computer science and
beyond. The SAT/SMT/AR Summer School aims to bring a select group of
students up to speed quickly in this exciting research area. The school
continues the successful line of Summer Schools that ran from 2011 to 2022.
We are pleased to announce that the next edition of the SAT/SMT/AR
Summer School will take place in Nancy, France from June 26 to June 29,
2024. The lectures planned this year are detailed on the website and
include a mix of basic and advanced theory as well as practical sessions.
The school is intended for PhD students, Master students, and industrial
practitioners who want to get a good understanding of capabilities and
current research directions in the area of SAT, SMT, and Automated
Reasoning. Prior knowledge in those areas is not required, but knowledge
of logic, general problem solving skills, good programming and math
skills are helpful.
As the number of participants is limited, all prospective participants
will have to apply by filling this form:
* a short CV (at most 3 pages, including publications, if any),
* a letter of motivation written by the applicant (1 page),
* for students, the name of a supervisor from which to ask a
supporting email (1 paragraph).
The letter should explain the motivation for attending the Summer
School. Based on the application letters approximately 50 participants
will be chosen from all qualified applicants. Admitted participants will
then be provided a link for registration. The registration cost will be
/free/. Students that need travel support may indicate so in the
application form. Students that have a paper accepted at IJCAR and plan
to attend the conference are encouraged to apply for the Woody Bledsoe
award ( Information on how to
apply is available on the IJCAR 2024 website ( ).
Applications to the SAT/SMT/AR Summer School close on the 10th of May.
For more information, see the webpage:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC