CICM 2025 Second Announcement and Call for Papers
18th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
- CICM 2025 -
6-11 October 2025
Brasilia, Brazil
More and more mathematical information is digitally processed, generated,
communicated, stored, and curated. CICM brings together the many separate
communities that have developed theoretical and practical solutions for
mathematical applications such as computation, deduction, knowledge management,
and user interfaces. It offers a venue for discussing problems and solutions in
each of these areas and their integration. Besides the CICM main program
soliciting formal CICM submissions there will be associated workshops with
separate submission options.
We are inviting formal submissions on all topics relating to intelligent
computer mathematics, in particular, but not limited to
A comprehensive but not exhausting list of topics of interest can be found on
the conference website:
The program committee is chaired by Valeria de Paiva, Berkeley and Peter Koepke, Bonn.
* Formal Paper Submissions *
Formal submissions in one of the following categories will be reviewed
rigorously and accepted papers will be published in a volume of Springer LNAI:
regular papers (up to 15 pages + bibliography) present novel research results
project and survey papers (up to 15 pages + bibliography)
summarize existing results
system and dataset descriptions (4 to 5 pages + bibliography)
present digital artifacts
* Doctoral Symposium: Two-Page Abstracts*
The doctoral program provides PhD students a forum to present early results to
receive constructive feedback and mentoring. To attend, submissions of two-page
abstracts are expected in which the focus and research questions of the expected
PhD theses are described; details on completed research tasks and remaining
research plans should be given. In addition to these abstract, a two-pages CV of
the applicant should also be submitted, detailing background information (name,
university, supervisor), education (sought degree, previous degrees),
employments and relevant research experience (publications, attended
The doctoral program will be chaired by Claudia Nalon, UnB Brasilia, and Marcelo
Finger, USP Sao Paulo. Further details on the program will be announced on the
CICM 2025 website.
* Important Dates *
Formal submissions
Doctoral programme applications
* Submissions *
All submissions should be made via EasyChair at
using the Springer LNCS style files
If software or data is relevant to a paper, a link that provides access to the
software/data must be provided to enable reproduction of results.
* Best Papers *
CICM 2025 honors the best paper and best student paper with respect to reviews
and program committee discussions with an award.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC