From: Klenze Tobias <>
Hello everyone,
how can I show a datatype containing a record to be countable?
record 'a testrecord = field :: 'a
datatype 'a testdatatype = F "'a testrecord"
instance testdatatype :: (countable) countable
(* by countable_datatype *)
(* exception TYPE raised (line 87 of "~~/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_countable.ML"):
Type is not of sort countable
'aa__ testrecord *)
Thank you in advance!
From: Jasmin Blanchette <>
Dear Tobias,
I can help you a little bit. For the tactic invocation to "countable_datatype" to succeed, you'll need first to show that your record is countable. Here's the proof, modulo a "sorry":
instance testrecord_ext :: (countable, countable) countable
I'm not aware of any automation for proving records countable. I'm presuming it's not very difficult since there's no recursion involved.
From: Christoph Sprenger <>
Hi Tobias,
to connect to Jasmin’s reply, here is a solution that leverages the countable_datatype proof method. I am not sure, whether it is the prettiest solution, but it seems to generalize well to other countable record types and works with little proof effort.
― ‹countable record types›
record point = x :: nat y :: nat
― ‹define an isomorphic datatype and inject the record type into it›
datatype 'a pointt = Point nat nat 'a
instance pointt :: (countable) countable
by countable_datatype
definition point_to_pointt :: "'a point_ext ⇒ 'a pointt" where
"point_to_pointt pt = Point (x pt) (y pt) (more pt)"
― ‹show that the record type is countable›
instance point_ext :: (countable) countable
obtain pointt_to_nat :: "('a::countable) pointt ⇒ nat" where "inj pointt_to_nat" by auto
then have "inj (pointt_to_nat o point_to_pointt)"
by (auto simp add: point_to_pointt_def intro!: inj_compose intro: injI)
then show "∃to_nat::'a point_scheme ⇒ nat. inj to_nat" by auto
From: Thomas Sewell <>
Just for fun, here's a slightly more automatic version using the shape of a fact (f.splits) defined by the record package.
record rec =
rec_x :: nat rec_y :: nat
lemma exists_to_prod:
"(∃a b. P a b) = (∃t. P (fst t) (snd t))"
by simp
lemma exists_equiv_inj[rule_format]:
"(∀P. (∃x. P x) = (∃y. P (f y))) ⟹ surj f"
by auto
instance rec_ext :: (countable)countable
proof -
note surj = rec.splits(3)[simplified exists_to_prod, THEN exists_equiv_inj]
note inj = surj_imp_inj_inv[OF surj]
note inj_rec_to_nat = inj_compose[OF inj_to_nat inj]
then show "PROP ?thesis"
by intro_classes auto
Best regards,
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC