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Topic: [isabelle] Special syntax for a binder

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (May 30 2024 at 13:34):

From: Gergely Buday <>
Hi there,

I would like to have this syntax for lambda abstraction:

exp | x ≡ λx. exp

How could I define this in Isabelle? I got the advice to use abbreviation,
but it takes values and here x is not a value but a variable.

It's also not clear how I could use a mixfix syntax for this for the same

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (May 30 2024 at 22:18):

From: Mike Stannett <>
Hi Gergely - using the following approach seems to work. [I've not used
syntax/translations before so if this is wrong, someone please correct me!]

"_Bindme" :: "term ⇒ idt ⇒ term" ("( _ ¦ _ )")

"(exp ¦ x)" ⇌ "(λx. exp)"

lemma bindme_binds: "∀ exp x v . ( exp ¦ x ) v = (λ x . exp) v"
by simp

(* Example *)
value "((xx) ¦ x) (2::nat)" ( = 4 *)
value "((xx) ¦ y) (2::nat)" ( = x*x *)


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (May 31 2024 at 08:07):

From: Gergely Buday <>
Dear Mike,

thanks. Now I discovered a paragraph at section 8.5.2 of the Isar Reference
Manual that states

Raw syntax and translations provides a slightly more low-level access to
the grammar and the form of resulting parse trees. It is often possible
to avoid this untyped macro mechanism, and use type-safe abbreviation
or notation instead. Some important situations where syntax and
translations are really need are as follows:

• Iterated replacement via recursive translations. For example, con-
sider list enumeration [a, b, c, d] as defined in theory HOL.List.

• Change of binding status of variables: anything beyond the built-in
binder mixfix annotation requires explicit syntax translations. For
example, consider the set comprehension syntax {x. P} as defined in
theory HOL.Set.

so indeed syntax and translations should be used here, abbreviation and
notation are not suitable.

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (May 31 2024 at 10:02):

From: Gergely Buday <>
My syntax/translations code works when in the main context of Isabelle, but
when I try to use it in a locale it complains about a bad context:

theory SyntaxTranslations

imports Main


locale A begin

typedecl 'a M

consts mmap :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ ('a M ⇒ 'b M)" (* Bad context for command
"consts" *)

"_mmap_comprehension" :: "term ⇒ idt ⇒ term ⇒ term" ("[ _ | _ <- _ ]")

translations (* Bad context for
command "translations" *)
"[ exp | x <- e ]" ⇌ "CONST mmap (λx. exp) e"

It complains not only at translations but at consts as well. Are these too
low-level to be used in a locale?

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC