From: Eero Pomell <>
Let datatype 'a tree = Tip | Node "'a tree" 'a "'a tree"
I have the functions:
ord :: "int tree ⟹ bool"
checks if tree is ordered
ins :: "int ⟹ int tree ⟹ int tree"
inserts an integer into an ordered tree
I'm trying to prove that if a tree is ordered, then inserting preserves the
here's what I have:
lemma "ord t ⟹ ord (ins i t)"
apply(induction t)
the proof state:
proof (prove)
goal (2 subgoals):
1. ⋀t1 x2 t2.
⟦ord t1 ⟹ ord (ins i t1); ord t2 ⟹ ord (ins i t2);
ord_list (flatten t1 @ x2 # flatten t2); i < x2⟧
⟹ ord_list (flatten (ins i t1) @ x2 # flatten t2)
2. ⋀t1 x2 t2.
⟦ord t1 ⟹ ord (ins i t1); ord t2 ⟹ ord (ins i t2);
ord_list (flatten t1 @ x2 # flatten t2); ¬ i < x2; i ≠ x2⟧
⟹ ord_list (flatten t1 @ x2 # flatten (ins i t2))
Looking at the subgoal (1) above, it seems a good idea to prove ord_list
xs @ ys ⟹ ord_list xs /\ ord_list ys
If I prove that lemma and add [simp] attribute, then the apply(auto) in
the original lemma goes into a loop; why?
How should I proceed here?
I feel like the definition of ord (it first flattens the tree and then
calls ord_list) is maybe complicating it too much, so should I redefine
The entire code is below, are there any general isabelle mistakes that
I'm making that should be avoided?
Entire code:
datatype 'a tree = Tip | Node "'a tree" 'a "'a tree"
(* Flatten a binary tree into a list in infix order *)
fun flatten :: "'a tree ⇒ 'a list" where
"flatten Tip = []" |
"flatten (Node l x r) = flatten l @ [x] @ flatten r"
(* Check if an integer list is ordered *)
fun ord_list :: "int list ⇒ bool" where
"ord_list [] = True" |
"ord_list [x] = True" |
"ord_list (x#xs) = ((x < hd xs) ∧ (ord_list xs))"
(* Check if a binary tree of integers is ordered *)
fun ord :: "int tree ⇒ bool" where
"ord Tip = True" |
"ord (Node l x r) = ord_list(flatten (Node l x r))"
(* Insert an integer into an ordered binary tree *)
fun ins :: "int ⇒ int tree ⇒ int tree" where
"ins x Tip = Node Tip x Tip" |
"ins x (Node l a r) =
(if x = a then
Node l a r
else if x < a then
Node (ins x l) a r
Node l a (ins x r))"
(* Lemma needed for lemma below *)
lemma ord_list_dist: "ord_list (xs @ ys) ⟹ (ord_list xs ∧ ord_list ys)"
apply(induction xs rule: ord_list.induct)
apply(induction ys)
(* Lemma proving ordered property holds after insertion *)
lemma "ord t ⟹ ord (ins i t)"
apply(induction t)
From: Tobias Nipkow <>
The approach works in principle, read Chapter 5 of Do not reinvent but reuse.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC