From: Amarin Phaosawasdi <>
(Apologies if you received this twice. I tried sending this to the mailing
list yesterday but I'm not sure it got through.)
I'm reading the coinduction example from this blog post:
In particular, the Isabelle section that defines
coinductive le where
leN: "le N m"
| leS: "le n m => le (S n) (S m)"
and tries to prove
lemma min_le: "le (min n m) n"
The first step applies the coinduction proof method and shows this proof
forall n m. (exists x. min n m = N /\ n = x) \/
(exists x y.
min n m = S x /\
n = S y /\
((exists x' y'. x = min x' y' ∧ x = x') ∨ le x y))
(I did a bit of renaming and using ascii here.)
To prove by coinduction, I need to show that "le (min n m) n" was formed by
the rules that define le. So it's either leN or leS.
For the leN case, I need to find an x such that
This makes sense.
For the leS case, I need to find an x and y such that
But I'm missing where
exists x' y'. x = min x' y' ∧ x = x'
came from.
I've found some helpful resources online:
Is it something along the lines of the coinduction hypothesis?
Thank you so much,
From: Dmitriy Traytel <>
Hi Amarin,
The coinduction rule for le is as follows:
X a b ⟹
(⋀x1 x2.
X x1 x2 ⟹
(∃m. x1 = N ∧ x2 = m) ∨ (∃n m. x1 = S n ∧ x2 = S m ∧ (X n m ∨ le n m))) ⟹
le a b
To use coinduction, you need to exhibit the relation X that is closed under the application of the introduction rules (in case of equality this would be the bisimulation witness). The disjunction with "le n m” is actually a small strengthening (not actually stronger than the rule without this disjunct, but convenient) that I would assume to be omitted in the tutorials you cite below. For many examples it will not be relevant.
Now the coinduction proof method instantiates X in your example with the relation "λa b. ∃n m. a = min n m ∧ b = m”. This is what you see below. Our ITP’14 paper ( describes this behavior of coinduction in Section 7.
Best wishes,
From: Amarin Phaosawasdi <>
Ah, thanks so much, also for the link to the paper!
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC