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Topic: [isabelle] cut for context_parser + improved error messag...

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Sep 13 2023 at 13:55):

From: Kevin Kappelmann <>

Unlike Parse.enum1, the definition of Parse.enum1' does not include a
cut. This causes unhelpful error messages down the road, as exemplified
in below theory (tested with Isabelle version 3032bc7d613d (i.e. latest
development version)).

Would it be possible to include "!!!+" and "enum1'" from below theory in
the standard distribution (in parse.ML)?

Best wishes,


theory Scratch

fun get_tokens_pos [] = " (end-of-input)"
   | get_tokens_pos (tok :: _) = (Token.pos_of tok);

(*generalisation of Parse.cut*)
fun cut get_pos kind scan =
     fun err (x, NONE) = (fn () => kind ^ get_pos x)
       | err (x, SOME msg) =
           (fn () =>
             let val s = msg () in
               if String.isPrefix kind s then s
               else kind ^ get_pos x ^ ": " ^ s
   in Scan.!! err scan end;

val error_msg = "Outer syntax error";
fun !!! scan = cut get_tokens_pos error_msg scan;
(*!!! for context parsers (currently missing in the standard distribution)*)
fun !!!+ scan = cut (get_tokens_pos o snd) error_msg scan;

(*same definition as Parse.enum1*)
fun enum1 sep scan = scan ::: Scan.repeat (Parse.$$$ sep |-- !!! scan);
(*now including cuts (unlike Parse.enum1')*)
fun enum1' sep scan = scan ::: Scan.repeat (Scan.lift (Parse.$$$ sep)
|-- !!!+ scan);
(*current definition of Parse.enum1'*)
(* fun enum1' sep scan = scan ::: Scan.repeat (Scan.lift ($$$ sep) |--
scan); *)

(*example attributes to show parsing differences*)
val _ =
   Theory.setup (
     Attrib.setup \<^binding>‹withcut›
       (enum1' "and" (Scan.lift Parse.nat) |-- Scan.succeed (K (NONE,
     #> Attrib.setup \<^binding>‹withoutcut›
       (Parse.enum1' "and" (Scan.lift Parse.nat) |-- Scan.succeed (K

error/squiggly line at "this is not a nat"; error message:
Outer syntax error⌂: natural number expected,
but quoted string "this is not a nat"⌂ was found
declare [[withcut 0 and "this is not a nat"]]
error/squiggly line at "withoutcut"; error message:
Bad arguments for attribute "withoutcut"⌂:
   and "this is not a nat"
declare [[withoutcut 0 and "this is not a nat"]]


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Oct 23 2023 at 12:27):

From: Makarius <>
Thanks for the hint. That omission goes back to 1998 (Isabelle/769abc29bb8e),
when the "Args" parsing was quite different from Isar output syntax ("Parse").

I have now improved the situation for the next release in Isabelle/b8775a63cb35.

Side-remark: "the latest development version" is already long past
3032bc7d613d. In other words: that expression is ill-defined, it falsely
assumes a real-time communication channel with synchronisation against the
repository history.


Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC