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Topic: [isabelle] isabelle server: purge theories not doing anyt...

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Oct 10 2022 at 10:14):

From: pdevant <>
I am experimenting with the isabelle server and came across a problem with the
purge_theories command.

Given: A basic theory with a trivial lemma in it like this:

lemma test: "true = true"

The Goal is to make isabelle server run sledgehammer and then insert the found
By using isabelle server together with start_session and use_theories i am
already able to get the proof and insert it using my own script.
Then i want to run sledgehammer again by executing use_theories in the same
way on the same theory file that now looks like this:

lemma test: "true = true"
by simp

I would expect isabelle server to say something like "bad context" or "no
subgoals to solve". But what actually happens is that it prints the exact same
sledgehammer output again. After carefully reading the documentation i found
out that in order to actually update the theory, that isabelle server
processes, you need to run "purge_theories" before executing "use_theories" a
second time. However this does not affect the outcome, although the server
confirms that it did the purge.

{'purged': [{'node_name': '<REMOVED>/tests/ressources/prove/testfile3.thy',
'theory_name': 'Draft.testfile3'}], 'retained': []}

Is there anything i am missing? Did I missinterpret the documentation? Or is
this a bug?

Best regards,

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Oct 17 2022 at 14:26):

From: Makarius <>
I have spent a few days investigating the situation, and producing a few
last-minute changes for the headless PIDE session, which is behind e.g.
"isabelle server" and "isabelle dump".

The result is now which has
the following update on Isabelle2022/NEWS:

The next release candidate Isabelle2022-RC4 will appear within 1-2 days. You
can either wait and hope for the best, or try out the above repository version
in the meantime: it is relatively simple to build as explained in
-- but you need to clone

The final release of Isabelle2022 will appear 1 week later. It will remain
unchanged until the next release after it (approx. Sep-2023).


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Oct 18 2022 at 13:54):

From: Makarius <>
That was only 1 day, and only 1 week left for last-minute final testing.

See and


Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC