From: Walther Neuper <>
the update of working code from Isabelle2020 to 21 shows that "::
thy_load" has changed and now takes a kind of constant, for instance
spark_siv, instead of strings.
we use SPARK as a model for our application, but are not yet successful
with the following adaption of our code ...
/----------- *.thy ------------------------------------
keywords "Example" :: thy_load (isac_example)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>‹Example›
"start a Calculation from a Formalise-file"
(Resources.provide_parse_files (Command_Span.extensions ["str"]) -- Parse.parname
>> (Toplevel.theory o (Preliminary.load_formalisation ParseC.formalise)));
\---------- *.thy ------------------------------------
/----------- isac.scala ------------------------------
package isabelle.isac
import isabelle._
object ISAC
{ class Load_Command1 extends Command_Span.Load_Command("isac_example")
{ override val extensions: List[String] = List("str") }
\---------- isac.scala ------------------------------
... because keywords "Example" raises the error
Unknown load command specification: "isac_example"
... which is no surprise. However taking the model
keywords "spark_open" :: thy_load (spark_siv)
... and looking for the definition of spark_siv, there are only two
occurrences of spark_siv
~$ grep -r spark_siv src/HOL/SPARK/
src/HOL/SPARK/SPARK_Setup.thy: and "spark_open" :: thy_load (spark_siv)
src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark.scala: class Load_Command2 extends Command_Span.Load_Command("spark_siv")
... so the question: where / how is the constant spark_siv defined ?
Any hint is welcome,
From: Makarius <>
You need to declare your add-ons to Isabelle/Scala formally via
isabelle_scala_service in etc/settings, e.g. see
BTW, this is how I figured out the internal class name, e.g. in "isabelle scala":
An alternative is to ignore the whole thing and merely use literal file names
with explicit extension. E.g. see my change to 'boogie_file' for Isabelle2021:
From: Walther Neuper <>
Thank you for the hints. I also added also the two lines "+" ..
"src/HOL/SPARK/Tools" -> Path.explode("isabelle.spark"),
+ "src/Tools/isac/etc" -> Path.explode("isabelle.isac"),
declare -a SOURCES=(
+ src/Tools/isac/etc/isac.scala
.. but although Pure was involved in editing, the command
./bin/isabelle jedit ...
did NOT re-build Pure --- how is this achieved most conveniently now,
when Scala is involved?
Many thanks in advance,
From: Makarius <>
You should not edit Isabelle/Pure sources in such an adhoc manner.
In Isabelle2021 there is now a complete example application with user-defined
ML and Scala modules, see $NAPROCHE_HOME/Intro.thy in the documentation panel.
The last section of the file has live links to relevant parts of the sources.
In particular, see Admin_Tools/naproche_build for how to build the add-on
Scala module.
For developing the Scala part with IntelliJ IDEA, I use regular "isabelle
scala_project" with some manual symlinks in the generated Gradle project.
The structure of that is rather simple, which is the reason why I've chosen
Gradle to do this.
From: Walther Neuper <>
On 08.03.21 19:56, Makarius wrote:
On 08/03/2021 14:35, Walther Neuper wrote:
... so the question: where / how is the constant spark_siv defined ?
You need to declare your add-ons to Isabelle/Scala formally via
isabelle_scala_service in etc/settings, e.g. see
in a phase of development where we want to make a test example running
with least effort the following solution appears preferable:
An alternative is to ignore the whole thing and merely use literal file names
with explicit extension. E.g. see my change to 'boogie_file' for Isabelle2021:
Thus we have (in Calculation.thy):
keywords "Example" :: thy_load
Example ‹/usr/local/isabisac/src/Tools/isac/Examples/exp_Statics_Biegel_Timischl_7-70.str›
which nicely evaluates related code in Calculation.thy. However, we need
to create a session
./bin/isabelle build -v -b Isac
which causes the error message (see "*.str.str" ..)
(see also /home/wneuper/.isabelle/isabisac/heaps/polyml-5.8.2_x86_64_32-linux/log/Isac)
*** Failed to load theory "Isac.BridgeJEdit" (unresolved "Isac.Calculation")
*** Failed to load theory "Isac.Build_Isac" (unresolved "Isac.BridgeJEdit")
*** No such file: "/usr/local/isabisac/src/Tools/isac/Examples/exp_Statics_Biegel_Timischl_7-70.str.str" (line 230 of "~~/src/Tools/isac/BridgeJEdit/Calculation.thy")
*** At command "Example" (line 230 of "~~/src/Tools/isac/BridgeJEdit/Calculation.thy")
Unfinished session(s): Isac
Studying ~~/src/HOL/ROOT we found "dokument_files" (would require
/document/) and "export_files", but here we would need something like
Is here a simple way out or should we go the long way via IntelliJ Idea?
From: Makarius <>
On 12/03/2021 17:17, Walther Neuper wrote:
Thus we have (in Calculation.thy):
keywords "Example" :: thy_load
Example ‹/usr/local/isabisac/src/Tools/isac/Examples/exp_Statics_Biegel_Timischl_7-70.str›
which nicely evaluates related code in Calculation.thy. However, we need to
create a session./bin/isabelle build -v -b Isac
which causes the error message (see "*.str.str" ..)
(see also /home/wneuper/.isabelle/isabisac/heaps/polyml-5.8.2_x86_64_32-linux/log/Isac)
*** Failed to load theory "Isac.BridgeJEdit" (unresolved "Isac.Calculation")
*** Failed to load theory "Isac.Build_Isac" (unresolved "Isac.BridgeJEdit")
*** No such file: "/usr/local/isabisac/src/Tools/isac/Examples/exp_Statics_Biegel_Timischl_7-70.str.str" (line 230 of "~~/src/Tools/isac/BridgeJEdit/Calculation.thy")
*** At command "Example" (line 230 of "~~/src/Tools/isac/BridgeJEdit/Calculation.thy")
Unfinished session(s): Isac
The error appears to stem from your Isabelle/ML implementation of the command:
it probably still adds another file extension.
Studying ~~/src/HOL/ROOT we found "dokument_files" (would require
/document/) and "export_files", but here we would need something like
Such declarations of imported files were required many years ago. Today we
have everything in "theory keywords ... :: thy_load" and "isabelle build"
picks the information from there.
Is here a simple way out or should we go the long way via IntelliJ Idea?
For Isabelle/ML problems you merely require Isabelle/jEdit as IDE.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC