From: Walther Neuper <>
Dear educators in the Isabelle community,
Despite substantial progress over recent years, access to higher
mathematics is still a non-trivial challenge for blind individuals.
For understandable reasons, Isabelle and similar software is not
accessible. However, accessibility seems in reach, because
Isabelle/jEdit could use theJava Access Bridge [1] and Isabelle/VSCode
could benefit from respective accessibility features [2]. And there are
plans for further development [3,4], which could be in line with
establishing accessibility.
Is there somebody in the community, who would be interested to
collaborate with IIS [5] in investigating possibilities to make Isabelle
accessible eventually?
[3] Makarius Wenzel, Interaction with Formal Mathematical Documents in
Isabelle/PIDE, 2019. §3.Aims and Approaches of Isabelle/PIDE.
[4] Makarius Wenzel, Further Scaling of Isabelle Technology, 2018.
§3.3.Browsing: client-server applications.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC