From: Revantha Ramanayake <>
I have recently started to learn Isabelle/ISAR. I have the following
1) The following is an extract from my theory file and partial output in
(the lines in the script file have been prefixed by #):
#case A
goal (show, 1 subgoal)
#assume "A"
#assume "B"
#show "U"
when I replace U with "C", "B --> C" or "B ==> B --> C" an error is
generated. What should
the form of U be in order to not generate an error?
2) Suppose my theory file is mydoc.thy. Because I am using ProofGeneral
the theory file is full of terms \<forall> \<exists> etc..
Is there a simple way of generating a dvi/pdf file to obtain a printable
version of my proof script with the proper symbols?
Thanks for any help.
Revantha Ramanayake.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC