From: Paul Libbrecht <>
:please distribute: :call for demonstrations and participations:
workshop on
Mathematical User Interfaces
10th August, 2006, nr Oxford, UK
at the Fifth Mathematical Knowledge Management Conference
Come and join MathUI'06!
Early registration rate for the conference ends on June 30th.
The following presentations have been accepted to MathUI'06:
A Document-Oriented Coq Plugin for TEXmacs
L. E. Mamane, H. Geuvers
BrEdiMa: Yet Another Web-browser Tool for Mathematical Expressions
H. Murao, Y. Nakano
Drag-and-drop of Formulae from a Browser
P. Libbrecht, D. Jednoralski
Mathematical documents authoring on xfy
M. Kume, A. Miyamoto, H. Kai, M.-T. Noda, Y. Tamura
PG Tips, a recommender system for an interactive prover
A.M. Mercer, A. Bundy, H. Duncan, D. Aspinall
The GLOSS system for transformations from plain text to XML
R. Kaye
WIRIS OM Tools a Semantic Formula Editor ,
D. Marquès, R. Eixarch, G. Casanellas, B. Martínez, T. Smith
The workshop will feature the invited talk:
Highly interactive mathematical user interfaces
Harold Thimbleby
The workshop will be concluded with a demonstration session.
Building on the success and interest of the first MathUI workshop,
this second one is intended to bring together researchers working on
MKM but from the perspective of mathematics manipulated by end
users. Accordingly, an emphasis is on providing users with
interfaces and software systems that enhance their mathematical working
experience. The topics of the workshop centre around, but
are not restricted to:
We are also seeking mathematical software user-interfaces to be exposed
during the demonstration-session at the end of the workshop.
Send your request for demo with title, project-URL, and a short
description to until July 20th 2006.
David Aspinall
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Paul Cairns
UCL Interaction Center, University College London, Great Britain
Olga Caprotti
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Norbert Kajler
Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, France
Paul Libbrecht (organizer)
Competence Center for E-Learning, DFKI GmbH, Saarbruecken, Germany
Robert Miner
Design Science, Long Beach, California, USA
MKM 2006:
MathUI 2006:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC