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Topic: [isabelle] [ExternalEmail] [isabelle-dev] afp-2016-1 branch

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 14:30):

As of 61df7b06f131 there is now a new branch afp-2016-1, which will become the new afp release branch when Isabelle2016-1 is released.

Any further changes to afp-devel will now by default not show up in this branch.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 14:47):

From: Randy Pollack <>

I was looking at the Flyspeck_Tame entry in the AFP today. The
current version of proofs built in Isabelle 2016 in a few minutes.
But there is more to this development than checking the proofs. There
are "Proofs by evaluation using generated code" that are only executed
if ISABELLE_FULL_TEST=true. These proofs by evaluation take several
hours to run.

I wonder if these proofs by evaluation are checked when the AFP is
brought up-to-date with a new release of Isabelle? Similarly, do
other AFP entries have parts that may not be getting checked with new

Thanks for any info.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 14:47):

From: Manuel Eberl <>
I don't know whether or not this was done in the past, but Lars Hupel
removed this conditional evaluation from Flyspeck_Tame in April 2016 [1]
when he introduced the new CI infrastructure.

All of Flyspeck_Tame now gets tested once a day (it is part of the
isabelle-nightly-slow job in Isabelle/Jenkins [2]).

As for other AFP entries, like Flyspeck_Tame, we have a few ones that
are too big to test on every push like the rest of the AFP and those get
tested in isabelle-nightly-slow. I don't know the AFP in enough detail
to say with certainty that none of them contains any parts that are
skipped during these tests like Flyspeck_Tame used to, but I don't think
so, given that that testing such things is the express purpose of





view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 14:47):

From: Lars Hupel <>
I did check for build conditions and occurrences of ISABELLE_FULL_TEST.
All of these should have been eliminated. In case anyone notices
leftover conditional builds (except for code generator checks), that
would be a bug.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 14:47):

Hi Randy,

there are a few sessions with the tag “slow” in the AFP, of which Flyspeck_Tame is one. These are tested once a day. All other sessions are tested with each push.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 14:48):

From: Makarius <>
The word "bug" always triggers critical questions. Can you explain the
point of removing the conditional build?

We are talking about these two changesets:

changeset: 2646:3dcc6b9eae2b
user: wenzelm
date: Wed Jan 11 21:30:05 2012 +0100
files: thys/Flyspeck-Tame/ArchComp.thy
method "cond_eval" reduces total runtime to a few minutes if

changeset: 6524:cac201d3f3f9
user: Lars Hupel <>
date: Fri Apr 15 17:28:43 2016 +0200
files: thys/Flyspeck-Tame/ArchComp.thy thys/Flyspeck-Tame/ROOT
full test for Flyspeck-Tame; get rid of ISABELLE_FULL_TEST

The optional version of Flyspeck-Tame had the advantage that the
relevant part for the test always happens quickly (without "slow" or
"very_slow" categorization). The full test -- which never failed in its
whole history -- was done once and a while (I think weekly).

This saved both CPU time and interactive testing time: I now find myself
doing manual Flyspeck-Tests, imitating the missing condition in the
Prover IDE by hand.


Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC