From: "Dr. Brendan Patrick Mahony" <>
I am trying to do some theorems about inducing lattice structure on
subsets of partial orders.
I have a theorem, sub_po, that the order relation forms a partial
order when restricted to the subset. I would like resolve sub_po
against various theorems in the partial_order locale, in particular
theorems from parent locales. If I make an interpretation using
sub_po, all these become available, but all my partial_order notation
become ambiguous (copies for parent order and sub-order).
Is there any way to make an interpretation without bringing in the
Does the mysterious "structure" mechanism have any use here? (Is it
explained anywhere?)
If I don't make an interpretation, how can I get at parent locale
theorems without restating and reproving the parent locale results?
Dr Brendan Mahony
C3I Division ph +61 8 8259 6046
Defence Science and Technology Organisation fx +61 8 8259 5589
Edinburgh, South Australia
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Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC