From: Peter Lammich <>
Hi all,
according to the isar-ref manual, \<^descr> shall be a markdown-like
version for description. However, it is nowhere documented how to
specify the name for the item. Also a quick inspection of the source
code gives no clues.
Any hints?
From: Makarius <>
See also the sources as examples, e.g. src/Doc/Isar_Ref.
From: Peter Lammich <>
So the structure of this high-level structuring mechanism is only
established at low-level latex, that happens to interpret the [name]
(which is just plain text for Isabelle) as optional argument to the
\item generated by \<^descr>.
Regarding the (long-time) goal to output to different formats than latex
(eg html), I would have expected the (name,text) structure of
description items to be already established on Isabelle-level.
From: Makarius <>
There is no need to invent a different syntax for Isabelle. It can parse
the [...] notation as in LaTeX.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC