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Topic: [isabelle] —Call for papers: 16th International Colloquiu...

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 19:26):

—Call for papers: 16th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of
Computing (ICTAC 2019).

(Apologies if you have received multiple copies of this call for papers)

We are pleased to invite you to submit papers for the 16th International
Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2019), which will be
held from 30th October to 4th November 2019, in Hammamet, Tunisia.
The aim of the colloquium is to bring together practitioners and
researchers from academia, industry and government to present research
results, and exchange experience, ideas, and solutions for their problems
in theoretical aspects of computing.
ICTAC also aims to promote research cooperation between developing and
industrial countries. The proceedings will be published as a volume of
Springer's LNCS series.

The important dates are:
Abstracts 5 May 2019
Papers 12 May 2019
Notification 21 July 2019
Final version 11 August 2019
Conference 30 October to 4 November 2019

Special issue:
Authors of the best contributions will be invited to submit a revised and
extended version to a special issue, to be published in Elsevier's
Theoretical Computer Science.

Invited Speakers:
Thomas A. Henzinger, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
Patrick Cousot, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York
University, USA
Dominique MÈry, University of Lorraine, France

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Languages and automata
Semantics of programming languages
Logic in computer science
Lambda calculus, type theory and category theory
Domain-specific languages
Theories of concurrency and mobility
Theories of distributed, grid and cloud computing
Models of objects and components
Coordination models
Models of software architectures
Autonomous systems
Timed, hybrid, embedded and cyber-physical systems
Static analysis
Software verification
Software testing
Program generation and transformation
Model checking and automated theorem proving
Interactive theorem proving
Verified software, formalized programming theory

We solicit the following types of papers:

Submissions must adhere to the LNCS format. Regular papers should not
exceed 18 pages (excluding bibliography of maximum 2 pages).
Short and tool papers should not exceed 10 pages.

Submissions must not have been published or be under consideration for
publication elsewhere.
All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution to
the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the

Each paper submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the
Programme Committee.
All contributions to ICTAC 2019 have to be submitted electronically in PDF
format via Easy Chair (
have to follow the Springer LNCS paper format.
One author of each accepted paper must attend the conference to present it,
having paid the regular registration fee.

The ICTAC committee will evaluate and select the best paper award winner.
The winner will receive a cash award.

Steering Committee:
Ana Cavalcanti (University of York, UK) (chair)
Martin Leucker (Universit‰t zu L¸beck, DE)
Zhiming Liu (Southwest University, CN)
Tobias Nipkow (Technische Universit‰t M¸nchen, DE)
Augusto Sampaio (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, BR)
Natarajan Shankar (SRI International, US)

General chairs:
Mohamed Jmaiel, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Walid Gaaloul, Paris-Saclay University, France

Programme chairs:
Robert M. Hierons, University of Sheffield, UK
Mohamed Mosbah, LaBRI, Bordeaux INP, FR

Programme Committee (provisional/draft)
Eric Badouel (IRISA, FR)
Kamel Barkaoui (CEDRIC - CNAM, FR)
FrÈdÈric Blanqui (INRIA, FR)
Eduardo Bonelli (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, AR)
Ana Cavalcanti (University of York, UK)
Uli Fahrenberg (LIX, FR)
Adrian Francalanza (University of Malta, MT)
Ahmed Hadj Kacem (University of Sfax, TN)
Edward Hermann Haeusler (PontifÌcia Universidade CatÛlica do Rio de
Janeiro, BR)
Ross Horne (Nanyang Technological University, SG)
David Janin (University of Bordeaux, FR)
Jan Kretinsky (Technische Universit‰t M¸nchen, DE)
Martin Leucker (Universit‰t zu L¸beck, DE)
Radu Mardare (Aalborg Universitet, DK)
Dominique MÈry (LORIA, FR)
Mohammadreza Mousavi (University of Leicester, UK)
Tobias Nipkow (Technische Universit‰t M¸nchen, DE)
Maciej PirÛg (Wroclaw University, PL)
Sanjiva Prasad (IIT Delhi, IN)
Riadh Robbana (University of Carthage, TN)
Augusto Sampaio (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, BR)
Georg Struth (University of Sheffield, UK)
Cong Tian (Xidian University, CN)
Tarmo Uustalu (Reykjavik University, IS / Tallinn University of
Technology, EE)

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 19:30):

—Call for papers: 16th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of
Computing (ICTAC 2019).

(Apologies if you have received multiple copies of this call for papers)

We are pleased to invite you to submit papers for the 16th International
Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2019), which will be
held from 30th October to 4th November 2019, in Hammamet, Tunisia.
The aim of the colloquium is to bring together practitioners and
researchers from academia, industry and government to present research
results, and exchange experience, ideas, and solutions for their problems
in theoretical aspects of computing.
ICTAC also aims to promote research cooperation between developing and
industrial countries.

The important dates are:
Abstracts 5 May 2019
Papers 12 May 2019
Notification 21 July 2019
Final version 11 August 2019
Conference 30 October to 4 November 2019

The proceedings will be published as a volume of Springer's LNCS series.
Special issue:
Authors of the best contributions will be invited to submit a revised and
extended version to a special issue, to be published in Elsevier's
Theoretical Computer Science.

Invited Speakers:
Thomas A. Henzinger, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
Patrick Cousot, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York
University, USA
Dominique MÈry, University of Lorraine, France

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Languages and automata
Semantics of programming languages
Logic in computer science
Lambda calculus, type theory and category theory
Domain-specific languages
Theories of concurrency and mobility
Theories of distributed, grid and cloud computing
Models of objects and components
Coordination models
Models of software architectures
Autonomous systems
Timed, hybrid, embedded and cyber-physical systems
Static analysis
Software verification
Software testing
Program generation and transformation
Model checking and automated theorem proving
Interactive theorem proving
Verified software, formalized programming theory

We solicit the following types of papers:

Submissions must adhere to the LNCS format. Regular papers should not
exceed 18 pages (excluding bibliography of maximum 2 pages).
Short and tool papers should not exceed 10 pages.

Submissions must not have been published or be under consideration for
publication elsewhere.
All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution to
the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the

Each paper submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the
Programme Committee.
All contributions to ICTAC 2019 have to be submitted electronically in PDF
format via Easy Chair
( have
to follow the Springer LNCS paper format.
One author of each accepted paper must attend the conference to present it,
having paid the regular registration fee.

The ICTAC committee will evaluate and select the best paper award winner.
The winner will receive an award.

Steering Committee:
Ana Cavalcanti (University of York, UK) (chair)
Martin Leucker (Universit‰t zu L¸beck, DE)
Zhiming Liu (Southwest University, CN)
Tobias Nipkow (Technische Universit‰t M¸nchen, DE)
Augusto Sampaio (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, BR)
Natarajan Shankar (SRI International, US)

General chairs:
Mohamed Jmaiel, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Walid Gaaloul, Paris-Saclay University, France

Programme chairs:
Robert M. Hierons, University of Sheffield, UK
Mohamed Mosbah, LaBRI, Bordeaux INP, FR

Programme Committee (provisional/draft)
Eric Badouel (IRISA, FR)
Kamel Barkaoui (CEDRIC - CNAM, FR)
FrÈdÈric Blanqui (INRIA, FR)
Eduardo Bonelli (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, AR)
Ana Cavalcanti (University of York, UK)
Uli Fahrenberg (LIX, FR)
Adrian Francalanza (University of Malta, MT)
Ahmed Hadj Kacem (University of Sfax, TN)
Edward Hermann Haeusler (PontifÌcia Universidade CatÛlica do Rio de
Janeiro, BR)
Ross Horne (Nanyang Technological University, SG)
David Janin (University of Bordeaux, FR)
Jan Kretinsky (Technische Universit‰t M¸nchen, DE)
Martin Leucker (Universit‰t zu L¸beck, DE)
Radu Mardare (Aalborg Universitet, DK)
Dominique MÈry (LORIA, FR)
Mohammadreza Mousavi (University of Leicester, UK)
Tobias Nipkow (Technische Universit‰t M¸nchen, DE)
Maciej PirÛg (Wroclaw University, PL)
Sanjiva Prasad (IIT Delhi, IN)
Riadh Robbana (University of Carthage, TN)
Augusto Sampaio (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, BR)
Georg Struth (University of Sheffield, UK)
Cong Tian (Xidian University, CN)
Tarmo Uustalu (Reykjavik University, IS / Tallinn University of
Technology, EE)

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC