From: Markus Roggenbach <>
+++ call for applications +++
2 year post doc
at Swansea Univeristy
on formal security analys of
smart phone apps
+++ call for applications +++
The position is part of the EPSRC funded project “App Collusion
Detection” (ACID), a Business-academic collaboration in
cyber-security. In the context of this project, the postholder will
Develop and implement Generic Java2CSP
abstractions for smart phone apps,
Characterize various forms of collusion
in terms of CSP information flow definitions
Analyze sets of smart phone apps for collusion
via model checking, and
Integrate the developed technology into
McAfee's Threat Analysis System.
The project is undertaken by a consortium consisting of McAfee, a
global security company protecting computing devices and networks for
consumers and enterprises, the Centre for Cyber Security Sciences at
City University London, the SaFe Group at Coventry University, and the
Processes and Data Group at Swansea University, see
Applicants should hold a Postgraduate degree in Computer Science or a
closely related subject. Background knowledge in some of the following
areas will be required: security, information flow, process algebra,
verification, semantics, and mathematical logic. A PhD in Computer
Science or closely related subject is desirable.
Closing Date: 30-10-2014
Salary: £27,864 to £30,728 per annum
Application details at
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC