From: Walther Neuper <>
NOTE: early bird submission deadline EXTENDED to 31.May
Proving in Mathematics Education
at University and at School
Minisymposion at
Austrian-Hungarian Mathematical Conference
Győr, Hungaria, 25-27 August 2015
Important Dates:
Aims and scope:
The minisymposion intends to discuss usability of technology
applications in education in relation to proving and primarily focuses
on a specific technology, Computer Theorem Proving (TP), for education
in academia and beyond. The proposal is backed by increasing interest in
technology integration in education to support proofs as well as the
applications of TP. The completion of the TP-based proof of the Kepler
Conjecture was announced on August 10th, 2014.
TP is reliably grounded on formal calculus — whereas proof is not taught
as a formal calculus in general academic education. Rather, students
adopt the habits of their academic environment and copy the way of
proving from their academic teachers. Evidently this results in a lack
of confidence for most students and in a lack of control of what they
are doing. High-school seems affected by these academic traditions such,
that proof is considered too comprehensive for most students in spite of
curricula explicitly mentioning mathematical proof.
The Minisymposion presents experiences from courses supported by
technology applications in relation to proving and TP technology at
academia and at high-school throughout Europe. A major point of
discussion will be the issue to narrow the gap between high-school math
and academic mathematics in Science, Technology and Engineering (STEM)
education. In particular, the (planned/envisioned) use of existing TP
software systems in an educational setting or concrete plans for
(future/desired) educational TP software systems should be demonstrated
with the aim to get a common view on the requirements for such systems
that would make them widely accepted teaching tools.
This minisymposion is motivated by the hope that bottom-up approaches in
local cooperation might be more successful than pretentious top-down
approaches to the sensible, but important topic. For preparing
discussions we invite submission of abstracts (at most 3 pages) on
topics including, but not limited to:
Demonstration of tools supporting proofs and using TP technology,
i.e. tools which generate assumptions, which interactively or
automatically perform proofs, which systematically generate proof
obligations, which use TP for checking user input, etc.
(... called "TP-based" software in the sequel)
Experiences from academic courses of various kinds using TP-based
software --- probably including feature requests for future
development of such software
Applications of mathematics and mathematical activities which might
specifically take advantage from support by TP-based software
Mathematical concepts and (TP-based) technology specifically
relevant for software support in teaching and learning to prove
Experiences from initiatives and activities filling the gap between
school and university --- and their relation to TP-based technology.
For abstract submission (at most 3 pages) see the website
Since on the mini-symposia there will be only invited talks,
contributors of abstracts will get an invitation in July.
Hungarian-Austrian Program Committee:
Kristóf Fenyvesi, Univ. Jyväskylä, Finland, <>
Stefan Götz, University of Vienna <>
Balázs Koren, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest <>
Zoltán Kovács, University of Linz <>
Zsolt Lavicza, University of Cambridge <>
Walther Neuper, Graz University of Technology <>
Róbert Vajda, University of Szeged <>
Wolfgang Windsteiger, Univ.of Linz <>
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC