From: Santiago Escobar <>
Call for Participation
ISR 2012
6th International School on Rewriting
July 16th - 20th
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Valencia, Spain
Rewriting is a branch of computer science whose origins go back
to the origins of computer science itself (with Thue, Church,
Post, and many other prominent researchers). It has strong links
with mathematics, algebra, and logic, and it is the basis of
well-known programming paradigms like functional and equational
programming, which are taught at the universitary level in many
countries. In these programming paradigms and corresponding
languages, the notions of reduction, pattern matching,
confluence, termination, strategy, etc., are essential.
Rewriting provides a solid framework for understanding, using,
and teaching all these notions. Rewriting techniques are also
used in many other areas of software engineering (scripting,
prototyping, automated transformation of legacy systems,
refactoring, web services, etc.) and are implemented in popular
systems like Mathematica, Autocad, and others. Rewriting
techniques play a relevant role in computing research,
education, and industry.
The International School on Rewriting is promoted by the IFIP
Working Group 1.6 Term Rewriting. The school is aimed at master
and PhD students, researchers, and practitioners interested in
the study of rewriting concepts and their applications.
Two tracks are offered, including the lectures and the courses:
Track A: for newcomers in the field, or just for people
who want to obtain a new, updated exposure.
Jose Meseguer. Introduction to Term Rewriting
Albert Rubio. Termination of Rewriting: Foundations and
Santiago Escobar. A Rewriting-Based Specification and
Programming Language: Maude
Beatriz Alarcon & Raul Gutierrez. Exercises on Term
Track B: for those who want to get deeper in the most
recent developments and applications of rewriting.
Maria Alpuente: Narrowing Techniques and Applications
Pierre Lescanne: Lambda Calculus: extensions and
Narciso Marti-Oliet: Rewriting Logic and Applications
Georg Moser: Automated Complexity Analysis of Term
Rewriting Systems
Albert Oliveras: SAT and SMT techniques in Proof and
Sophie Tison: Tree Automata, Turing Machines and Term
Xavier Urbain: Certification of Rewriting Properties
Registration fees:
250 euro (early registration, before June 15, 2012)
350 euro (late registration, after June 15, 2012)
Visit our web site for more information about registration and
accommodation. The registration will be open in few weeks.
For more information, please visit our web site or contact
Organizing Committee:
Salvador Lucas (chair)
Beatriz Alarcon
Santiago Escobar
Marco A. Feliu
Raul Gutierrez
Sonia Santiago
Alicia Villanueva
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC