From: Natarajan Shankar <>
Automated Formal Methods (AFM09)
June 27, 2009, Grenoble, France
In association with Computer-Aided Verification 2009
AFM is a one-day workshop centered around the use and integration of formal
verification tools for specification, interactive theorem proving,
satisfiability (SAT) and satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), model
checking, program verification, code generation, and testing, as well as
interfaces, documentation, and education. This workshop was first initiated
as a users' group meeting for the SRI formal verification tools such as PVS,
SAL, and Yices, but the topics are not restricted to these tools. The first
workshop was held at FLoC'06, the second workshop with ASE'07, and the third
workshop took place in conjunction with CAV'08.
We welcome position papers on the topics listed above, particularly those
that report on experiments and case studies. Papers must be fewer than 8
pages long in the ACM SIG Proceedings style
( and should be
submitted to
The post-conference proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital
PROGRAM CHAIRS: Hassen Saidi, Natarajan Shankar
PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Myla Archer, Saddek Bensalem, Aaron Bradley, Supratik
Chakraborthy, Rance de Long, Leonardo de Moura, Jean-Christophe
Filliatre, Bernd Finkbeiner, Michael Gordon, John Harrison, Peter
Manolios, David Monniaux, David Naumann, Corina Pasareanu, Lee Pike,
Kazuhiro Ogata, Sanjit Seshia, Ofer Strichman.
Position papers due: April 30, 2009
Reviews/decisions: May 20, 2009
Camera ready versions due: June 10, 2009
AFM '09 Workshop: June 27, 2009
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC