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From: Xiao Qu <>

- Workshop Proposal: April 24
- Research Paper (Abstract): May 8
- Research Paper (Full): May 15

ASE 2015 - 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated
Software Engineering

November 9-13, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA



Abstract Submission: May 8, 2015
Paper Submission: May 15, 2015
Notification: July 20, 2015
Camera-Ready: August 4, 2015

Workshop proposal submission: April 24, 2015
Tutorial proposal submission: June 1, 2015
Tool demonstration paper submission: July 23,2015
Doctoral symposium submission: June 26, 2015



The IEEE/ACM Automated Software Engineering (ASE) Conference series is the
premier research forum for automated software engineering. Each year, it
brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry
to discuss foundations, techniques and tools for automating the analysis,
design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of large software systems.
In 2015, ASE will be celebrating its 30th year as a premier venue for novel
work in software automation.

=== CONFERENCE PAPERS ================================================

ASE 2014 invites high quality contributions describing significant,
original, and unpublished results.

Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:

o Automated reasoning techniques
o Open systems development
o Component-based systems
o Product line methods
o Computer-supported cooperative work
o Program understanding
o Configuration management
o Program synthesis
o Data mining for software engineering
o Program transformation
o Domain modeling and meta-modeling
o Re-engineering
o Empirical software engineering
o Requirements engineering
o Human-computer interaction
o Specification languages
o Knowledge acquisition and management
o Software analysis o Maintenance and evolution
o Software architecture and design o Testing, verification,
and validation
o Model-based software development
o Software visualization
o Model transformation
o Model-driven engineering
o Modeling language semantics

Three categories of submissions are solicited:

  1. Technical Research Papers should describe innovative research in
    automating software development activities or automated support to users
    engaged in such activities. They should describe a novel contribution to
    the field and should carefully support claims of novelty with citations
    to the relevant literature. Where a submission builds upon previous work
    of the author(s), the novelty of the new contribution must be clearly
    described with respect to the previous work. Papers should also clearly
    discuss how the results were validated.

  2. Experience Papers should describe a significant experience in applying
    automated software engineering technology and should carefully identify
    and discuss important lessons learned so that other researchers and/or
    practitioners can benefit from the experience. Of special interest are
    experience papers that report on industrial applications of automated
    software engineering.

  3. New Ideas Papers should describe novel research directions in
    automating software development activities or automated support to users
    engaged in such activities. New ideas submissions are intended to
    describe well- defined research ideas that are at an early stage of
    investigation and may not be fully validated.


All submissions must come in PDF format and conform, at time of
submission, to the IEEE Formatting Guidelines. For details and
templates see:

Technical Research Papers and Experience Papers must not exceed 10
pages (including figures and appendices) plus up to 2 pages that
contain ONLY references. New Ideas Papers must not exceed 6 pages
(including figures, appendices AND references). Submissions that do
not adhere to these limits or that violate the formatting guidelines
will be desk-rejected without review. All submissions must be in

Papers submitted to ASE 2015 must not have been previously published
and must not be under review for publication elsewhere. All papers
that conform to submission guidelines will be peer-reviewed by members
of the Program Committee and members of the Expert Review Panel.
Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, soundness,
relevance, importance of contribution, evaluation, quality of
presentation and appropriate comparison to related work. Note that
the Program Committee may re-assign a submission into a different
category than the one it is submitted to if it decides that it is a
better fit for that category.


All accepted papers will be published by IEEE, provided that at least
one author of each accepted paper registers as a full registration for
the conference and presents the paper. Failure to do so may result in
the paper being pulled out of the Digital Library.

Program Chairs:
Lars Grunske, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Michael Whalen, University of Minnesota, USA

=== TOOL DEMONSTRATIONS ==============================================

Automated software engineering consists of automating processes related
to requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of
software systems. Automating these processes in the form of tools
facilitates better productivity and improve the overall quality of software.
The tool demonstrations track provides an opportunity for researchers and
practitioners to present and discuss their most recent advances,
experiences, and challenges in the field of automated software engineering.

ASE 2015 solicits high-quality submissions for its tool demonstrations
track. We invite submission on tools that are either (a) early research
prototypes or (b) mature tools, with a significant novel Improvement,
and that have not yet been commercialized. Submissions should highlight
the underlying scientific contributions, engineering ingenuity,
applicability to a broader software engineering audience, and/or potential
for or realization of scaling the tool. In contrast to a Technical Research
track paper intended to provide details of a novel automated software
engineering technique, a tool demonstration paper should indicate how the
technique has been implemented as a functioning tool and how that tool
should be used by its intended audience. We encourage authors of papers
submitted to the Technical Research track to submit an accompanying tool
demonstration paper.

The tool demonstration program committee will review each submission to
assess the relevance and quality of the proposed tool demonstration
in terms of the usefulness of the tool, its ease of use by its intended
users, its presentation quality, and a limited, but appropriate discussion
of related tools. Accepted tool demonstrations will be allocated 5 pages
in the conference proceedings: 4 pages for prose and up to one additional
page for references. Authors of accepted tool demonstrations papers
are required to give a presentation (read: live demo) of the tool during
the conference. There will also be an area open to attendees at scheduled
times during the conference during which demonstrators will also present
their work in an more informal manner.

Tool Demonstration Co-Chairs:

Andrew Begel, Microsoft Research, USA
Alessandra Gorla, IMDEA Software Institute, Spain

=== WORKSHOPS ========================================================

A workshop co-located with the ASE 2015 conference should provide an
opportunity for exchanging views, advancing ideas, and discussing
preliminary results on topics related to Automated Software
Engineering. Workshops may also serve as platforms to nurture new
scientific communities. Workshops should not be seen as an alternative
forum for presenting full research papers. The workshops co-located
with the conference will be organized before the main conference
(Monday, Tuesday). The organizers will decide the exact day after the
proposals have been reviewed and accepted. A workshop may last one or
two days.

Workshop Co-Chairs:

David Lo, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Anita Sarma, University of Nebraska—Lincoln, USA

=== TUTORIALS ========================================================

Tutorials address a wide range of mature topics from theoretical
foundations to practical techniques and tools for automated software
engineering. Tutorials are intended to provide independent instruction
on a relevant theme; therefore, no commercial or sales-oriented
proposals will be accepted. The tutorials will be organized either on
the Monday or Tuesday before the main conference. The general chair
and organizers will decide the exact dates after all proposals have
been reviewed and accepted.

Tutorial Co-Chairs:

Henry Muccini,University of L'Aquila, Italy
Tien Nguyen, Iowa State University, USA

=== DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM ===============================================

The goal of the ASE 2015 Doctoral Symposium is to provide a supportive
yet questioning setting in which the PhD students have an opportunity
to present and discuss their research with other researchers in the
ASE community. The symposium aims a
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Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC