From: Martin Desharnais <>
Dear Isabelle users,
with the document preparation system, it is possible to use
antiquotations such as @{thm a} to print a lemma or @{term t} to print a
term. I could not, however, find a way to print an existing definition.
I am especially interested in datatypes, functions, and locales
definitions. My use case is as follows.
I import external theories and want to write about their definitions.
The only way I could find is to copy-paste said definitions in an
unnamed context and annotate them as private.
context begin
text ‹...›
(<) private (>)
datatype 'a option =
None |
Some (the: 'a)
text ‹...›
(<) private (>)
primrec append :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list" (infixr "@" 65) where
append_Nil: "append [] ys = ys" |
append_Cons: "append (x#xs) ys = x # append xs ys"
text ‹...›
Just printing the simplification theorems @{thm append.simps} is not an
option, because the number of simplification theorems quickly explodes
for functions depending on the linear "first match succeeds" of pattern
What I would like, is a way to avoid this copy-pasting. Ideally, a
solution would take the form of antiquotations such as @{type_def list},
@{const_def append}, or @{locale_def somelocale}.
Martin Desharnais
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC