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Topic: [isabelle] Applying n-ary monotonicity of "eventually" in ML

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 16:56):

From: Manuel Eberl <>
Suppose I have a theorem of the form "A ?x ⟹ B ?x ⟹ C ?x ⟹ D ?x" and the
three theorems "eventually A F", "eventually B F", "eventually C F".

I now want to get the theorem "eventually D F" in ML, but not just for
three theorems, but for an arbitrary number of premises. In the end, I'd
like a function that takes a theorem that is an n-ary implication (like
above) and a list of n elements, each corresponding to one of the premises.

This is a bit like the "eventually_elim" method, but in a forward
manner. My current solution is as outlined below, but it strikes me as
somewhat ugly and fragile. In particular, I dislike the "Thm.assumption"
in the end, but I don't know how to avoid it.


fun eventually_mono_OF _ thm [] = thm
  | eventually_mono_OF ctxt thm thms =
        val conv = Conv.rewr_conv @{thm conj_imp_eq_imp_imp [symmetric]}
        fun go conv' n =
          if n <= 0 then conv' else go (conv then_conv conv') (n - 1)
        val conv = go Conv.all_conv (length thms - 1)
        val thm' = Conv.fconv_rule conv thm
        fun go' thm [] = thm
          | go' thm (thm' :: thms) = go' (@{thm eventually_conj} OF
[thm, thm']) thms
        val thm'' = go' (hd thms) (tl thms)
        (@{thm eventually_mono} OF [thm'', thm'])
        |> Thm.assumption (SOME ctxt) 1
        |> Seq.list_of
        |> the_single

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 16:56):

From: Makarius <>
The included Scratch.thy is what I made out of it, just trying to
understand it formally and writing it down again with the means of
human-readable Isabelle/Isar and Isabelle/ML (see also "implementation"
manual section "0.1 Style and orthography").

It is getting late and I need to postpone investigating the actual
technical question behind it. Or maybe someone else can see it now on
the spot.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 16:57):

From: Makarius <>
Here is another version of both the proof method from theory HOL.Filter
and the above forward inference in ML (which could be an attribute).

Apart from further fine-tuning of Isabelle/ML "style and orthography", I
did not change anything significant. So for now I would say that your
original approach to go from rule: "A x ⟹ B x ⟹ C x ⟹ D x" for x to the
"eventually" rule is fine -- including the Thm.assumption operation.
(Incidently the same happens in the Isar proof snippet given at the
bottom, to fit the result of fix/assume/show into the pending goal;
similarly in the "by fact" step).

Of course, it implicitly depends on well-behaved HO-unification problems
given to this operation.

Where does the situation "Suppose I have a theorem of the form ..."
actually emerge?

That rule is in Isabelle standard form, as HO Horn clause with removed
outer quantification. So fitting it into a goal usually requires
unification to recover the lost information of the quantifier prefix. In
principle, the rule could be made a closed form (in HOL or non-standard
Pure form) and applied with some low-level inference. It does not get
automatically better, though, but depends on the actual application.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 16:57):

From: Manuel Eberl <>
I now think that the best way is probably having a HOL-forall quantifier
to explicitly select the variable we're talking about and then have an
attribute to lift the theorem.

The situation where I need this is the following: I have a theorem like

∀x. 0 ≤ l1 x ⟶
    0 ≤ l2 x ⟶
    f x ∈ {l1 x..u1 x} ⟶
    g x ∈ {l2 x..u2 x} ⟶
    f x * g x ∈ {l1 x * l2 x..u1 x * u2 x}

And I am now in a situation (in ML) where I know that all of these
preconditions hold for large enough x. I then want to use that to get
the theorem "eventually (%x. f x * g x ∈ {l1 x * l2 x..u1 x * u2 x})
at_top". I packaged this in an attribute called "eventuallized".

Since this is all HOL quantifiers and HOL implication, I avoid these
higher-order problems entirely.

My application is still very experimental, so I'll continue working on
it before I decide how to tackle this specific issue exactly. But what I
have seems sufficient for now.


Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC