From: Jacques Fleuriot <>
Call for Papers
The 9th International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry (ADG 2012)
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
September 17 - 19 2012
ADG is a forum to exchange ideas and views, to present research results and progress,
and to demonstrate software tools at the intersection between geometry and automated
deduction. The workshop is held every two years. The previous editions of ADG were held
in Munich in 2010, Shanghai in 2008, Pontevedra in 2006, Gainesville in 2004, Hagenberg
in 2002, Zurich in 2000, Beijing in 1998, and Toulouse in 1996. The 9th edition, ADG 2012,
will be held in Edinburgh, UK, September 17 - 19, 2012. Note that the scope of the ADG
2012 has been expanded to cover topics in dynamic geometry.
Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
polynomial algebra, invariant and coordinate-free methods, probabilistic,
synthetic, and logic approaches, techniques for automated geometric reasoning
from discrete mathematics, combinatorics, and numerics;
symbolic and numeric methods for geometric computation, geometric constraint solving,
automated generation/reasoning and manipulation with diagrams;
design and implementation of geometry software, special-purpose tools, automated theorem
provers, experimental studies;
applications of ADG to mechanics, geometric modelling, CAGD/CAD, computer vision,
robotics, and education.
The extended abstracts (or the introduction of the full papers) must address the following
aspects explicitly:
- Problem: What is the problem/question/objective?
- Motivation: Why do we work on the problem? What is the importance?
- State of the Art: What has been done already on the problem?
- Contribution: What is the main original contribution?
- Main Idea: What is the main idea underlying the contribution?
* The submissions should follow the standard Springer LNCS Proceedings format.
* Electronic submission as PDF is required via EasyChair
If you have any problems with the submission of your paper, or questions concerning
ADG 2012 or EasyChair, please contact
The submitted contributions will be subject to a summary review by the Program Committee,
bearing in mind that this first review is mainly for presentation, NOT for publication.
Digital publication of the full papers accepted for presentation will be available at the workshop.
The authors of full papers accepted for presentation at the workshop will be invited to
submit their full and/or revised papers for publication in a formal proceedings
of ADG 2012 after the workshop.
The full papers (submitted after the meeting) will be formally reviewed by PC members and
external referees.
The accepted full papers will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence (LNAI) series or Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
The proceedings of ADG 1996, ADG 1998, ADG 2000, ADG 2002, and ADG 2004, ADG 2006,
and ADG 2010 appeared as LNAI 1360, LNAI 1669, LNAI 2061, LNAI 2930, LNAI 3763,
LNAI 4869, and LNCS 6877, respectively.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC