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Topic: [isabelle] BYTECODE09: 1st Call for Papers

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From: Samir Genaim <>

* 1st Call for Papers * * * * Fourth Workshop on Bytecode Semantics, * * Verification, Analysis and Transformation * * * * York, UK, 29th March 2009, part of ETAPS 2009 * * * * Venue: The University of York * * * * * * * ************

Important Dates

Paper Submission December 21, 2008
Notification January 25, 2009
Final Version February 8, 2009
Workshop March 29, 2009

Workshop Description

Bytecode, such as produced by e.g. .Net and Java compilers, has become
an important topic of interest, both for industry and academia. The
industrial interest stems from the fact that bytecode is typically
used for the Internet and mobile devices (smartcards, phones, etc.),
where security is a major issue. Moreover, bytecode is
device-independent and allows dynamic loading of classes, which
provides an extra challenge for the application of formal methods. In
addition, the lack of structure of the code and the pervasive presence
of the operand stack also provide extra challenges for the analysis of
bytecode. This workshop will focus on the latest developments in the
semantics, verification, analysis, and transformation of
bytecode. Both new theoretical results and tool demonstrations are

Invited Speaker



There are two paper categories, Regular and Tool demo papers. Paper
should be written using the ENTCS style and submitted through the easy
chair page "".
Please indicate in the submission page the category of your
submission. Submissions will be evaluated by the Program Committee for
inclusion in the ENTCS proceedings.

Regular research papers should be at most 15 pages (including
bibliography and excluding well-marked appendices not intended for
publication). They must contain original contributions, be written in
English and be unpublished and not submitted simultaneously for
publication elsewhere.

Tool demo papers must describe a completed, robust and well-documented
tool -- highlighting the overall functionality of the tool, the
interfaces of the tool, interesting examples and applications of the
tool, an assessment of the tool's strengths and weaknesses, and a
summary of documentation/support available with the tool. The body of
the paper must be no longer than 6 pages in length (including
bibliography), and it should give an overview of the tool, the
methodology associated with its use, a summary of how the tool has
been applied and to what effect, and it should indicate what
supporting artifacts (user manual, example repository, downloads, etc)
are available. This material will be included in the ENTCS
proceedings if the paper is accepted. In addition, the paper should
include an appendix (limited to six pages) that gives an outline of
the proposed demo presentation (this material will NOT appear in the
ENTCS proceedings).

Program Committee

Wolfgang Ahrendt Chalmers University of Technology, SWE
Elvira Albert (co-chair) Complutense University of Madrid, ESP
June Andronick Security Lab - Gemalto, FRA
David Aspinall University of Edinburgh, UK
Cristina Cifuentes Sun Microsystems, AUS
Samir Genaim (co-chair) Technical University of Madrid, ESP
Sara Kalvala The University of Warwick, UK
Gerwin Klein The University of New South Wales, AUS
Francesco Logozzo Microsoft Research, USA
David Pichardie INRIA Rennes (IRISA), FRA
Tamara Rezk INRIA-Microsoft, FRA
Fausto Spoto University of Verona, ITA
Eran Yahav IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC