From: Gerwin Klein <>
Thanks to Joachim, the AFP now shows bibtex for each entry.
Happy citing!
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From: Joachim Breitner <>
I was about to re-do the BibTeX for AFP entries on our institute website
and while I found the example at
I was surprised that the individual entries do not have a recommended
BibTeX file. Is there any reason not to provide that (besides that noone
has done it yet)?
Also, I find that dblp is generally a good source of BibTeX files, but
the output generated there, e.g.
does not contain the ISSN. Is there a way to fix this, so that the
BibTeX files found there match the recommended files?
From: Gerwin Klein <>
On 25/04/2013, at 5:44 PM, Joachim Breitner <> wrote:
I was about to re-do the BibTeX for AFP entries on our institute website
and while I found the example at
I was surprised that the individual entries do not have a recommended
BibTeX file. Is there any reason not to provide that (besides that noone
has done it yet)?
You mean there should be a generated bibtex file linked for each entry?
I have had that on my todo list for a while, but haven't gotten around to it yet. (If somebody feels like hacking python code, the relevant script is in the repository under admin/
In terms of citation style, the example on is for an individual entry.
Also, I find that dblp is generally a good source of BibTeX files, but
the output generated there, e.g.
does not contain the ISSN. Is there a way to fix this, so that the
BibTeX files found there match the recommended files?
I don't think so. It looks like DBLP have their standard way of generating bibtex. Or does somebody know a way to customise the bibtex that is generated there?
The ISSN is more for ID purposes in larger databases, it's usually not printed by bibtex anyway. It's not a problem to leave it out.
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Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC