From: Ken Kubota <>
Thanks for the huge feedback sent both publicly and privately!
Please let me reply to Rob's email first.
This limitation of Mike Gordon's HOL is due to its restricted expressiveness,
i.e., the inability to bind type variables, yielding a free variable in the
In R0, however, it is possible to bind type variables with lambda, and
therefore also to quantify over the type variable in the Axiom of Choice
in order to obtain a formulation of the Axiom of Choice with no free (type)
I have tested both cases (bound and free type variable) with R0, and the
R0 implementation shows the desired behavior.
Files are available online:
Peter's formulation of the Axiom of Choice is the following:
Then I applied universal quantification with the type variable 't'
(the symbol 'A' stands for the universal quantifier, and
the symbol '^' stands for tau, the type of types):
:= QAC ((A{{{o,{o,\3{^}}},^}}_^{^}){{o,{o,^}}}_[\t{^}{^}.AC{o}]{{o,^}})
Universal instantiation of the trivial theorem
yields the following result:
Note that the type variable 't' was replaced by type 'o' for Boolean values.
On the other hand, trying to substitute the free type variable in
will cause an error:
The proof source files are attached.
The software is available at (license restrictions apply):
After building the program (just enter 'make'), run
./R0 ac_instantiation.r0.txt
./R0 ac_instantiation_wrong.r0.txt
For HTML output, run
make ac_instantiation.r0.out.html
and on a Mac, directly create and open the HTML output with
make ac_instantiation.r0.out.html && open -a Finder $_
For PDF output, run (pandoc and LaTeX installed)
make ac_instantiation.r0.out.pdf && open -a Finder $_
(Add the following line to file 'hyphenation.txt' to obtain a line break in the
last formula of the PDF file:)
\# $\qquad \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\qquad \qquad {{{\supset}}_{{{oo}o}}{QAC}_{o}}|{({{{\exists}}_{{{o{(o\backslash3)}}{\tau}}}{{(o{(oo)})}}_{{\tau}}}{[{\lambda}j_{{o{(oo)}}}.({{{\forall}}_{{{o{(o\backslash3)}}{\tau}}}{{(oo)}}_{{\tau}}}{[{\lambda}p_{{oo}}.({{{\supset}}_{{{oo}o}}{({{{\exists}}_{{{o{(o\backslash3)}}{\tau}}}{o}_{{\tau}}}{[{\lambda}x_{o}.({p}_{{oo}}{x}_{o})_{o}]})}}{({p}_{{oo}}{({j}_{{o{(oo)}}}{p}_{{oo}})})})_{o}]})_{o}]})}$
Ken Kubota
<< definitions1.r0.txt
<< K8005.r0.txt
:= AC ((E{{{o,{o,\3{^}}},^}}_{t{^},{o,t{^}}}{^}){{o,{o,{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}}}_[\j{{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}{{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}.((A{{{o,{o,\3{^}}},^}}_{o,t{^}}{^}){{o,{o,{o,t{^}}}}}_[\p{{o,t{^}}}{{o,t{^}}}.((=>{{{o,o},o}}_((E{{{o,{o,\3{^}}},^}}_t{^}{^}){{o,{o,t{^}}}}_[\x{t{^}}{t{^}}.(p{{o,t{^}}}{{o,t{^}}}_x{t{^}}{t{^}}){o}]{{o,t{^}}}){o}){{o,o}}_(p{{o,t{^}}}{{o,t{^}}}_(j{{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}{{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}_p{{o,t{^}}}{{o,t{^}}}){t{^}}){o}){o}]{{o,{o,t{^}}}}){o}]{{o,{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}})
:= QAC ((A{{{o,{o,\3{^}}},^}}_^{^}){{o,{o,^}}}_[\t{^}{^}.AC{o}]{{o,^}})
:= $B5221 %0
:= $T5221 o
:= $X5221 x{$T5221}
:= $A5221 QAC
<< A5221.r0t.txt
:= $B5221; := $T5221; := $X5221; := $A5221
:= $T5215H ^
:= $X5215H t{$T5215H}
:= $A5215H o
:= $H5215H %0
<< A5215H.r0t.txt
:= $T5215H; := $X5215H; := $A5215H; := $H5215H
<< definitions1.r0.txt
<< K8005.r0.txt
:= AC ((E{{{o,{o,\3{^}}},^}}_{t{^},{o,t{^}}}{^}){{o,{o,{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}}}_[\j{{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}{{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}.((A{{{o,{o,\3{^}}},^}}_{o,t{^}}{^}){{o,{o,{o,t{^}}}}}_[\p{{o,t{^}}}{{o,t{^}}}.((=>{{{o,o},o}}_((E{{{o,{o,\3{^}}},^}}_t{^}{^}){{o,{o,t{^}}}}_[\x{t{^}}{t{^}}.(p{{o,t{^}}}{{o,t{^}}}_x{t{^}}{t{^}}){o}]{{o,t{^}}}){o}){{o,o}}_(p{{o,t{^}}}{{o,t{^}}}_(j{{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}{{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}_p{{o,t{^}}}{{o,t{^}}}){t{^}}){o}){o}]{{o,{o,t{^}}}}){o}]{{o,{t{^},{o,t{^}}}}})
:= $B5221 %0
:= $T5221 o
:= $X5221 x{$T5221}
:= $A5221 AC
<< A5221.r0t.txt
:= $B5221; := $T5221; := $X5221; := $A5221
:= $B5221H %0
:= $T5221H ^
:= $X5221H t{$T5221H}
:= $A5221H o
<< A5221H.r0t.txt
:= $B5221H; := $T5221H; := $X5221H; := $A5221H
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC