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Topic: [isabelle] CADE-25 -- Call for Volunteers

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 19 2022 at 17:20):

From: Alexander Steen <>
25th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE) -- Call for

CADE is the major forum for the presentation of research in all aspects
of automated deduction. The conference programme includes invited talks,
paper presentations, workshops, tutorials, and system competitions.
Furthermore, the Herbrand Award for Distinguished Contributions to
Automated Deduction and the new Skolem award(s) for influential
historical CADE papers are presented at the conference. Moreover, to
celebrate its 25th edition, CADE-25 includes a Jubilee Session on the
Past, Present and Future of Automated Deduction. Renowned scientists
from leading universities have agreed to give invited lectures at
CADE-25. For further information, visit

The CADE-25 conference will be held from the 1st to 7th of August, 2015
at the Freie Universität Berlin in Berlin-Dahlem.

Volunteering at CADE-25.
In order to support the organisation of CADE-25, we are seeking
volunteers to help between August 1st and 7th. The duties of the
volunteers are to assist the CADE-25 organisation team, for example, at
the registration desk, as technical support staff during the workshop
and tutorial days, as a group guide during the excursion, etc. Each
volunteer is supervised by one of the senior organizers who will also be
the primary contact person for that volunteer during the conference.

Perks of a volunteer.
In return, the volunteers will receive free registration and access to
all scientific events of CADE-25, including tutorials, workshops and the
main conference itself. Each volunteer is guaranteed to have at least
50% free time to attend lectures at will. The remaining time is devided
into a share of 2-3 days of fixed duties and a small part of "stand-by"
duties, which are likely to be free time.

Moreover, upon request, we might be able to provide free (shared)
accommodation in a student hostel. Please tell us upon application
whether this applies to you.

Becoming a volunteer.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at CADE-25, please visit for further information.
The deadline for applications is 01.05.2015. Applicants that have been
chosen as volunteers will be contacted before 15.05.2015.

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC