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Topic: [isabelle] CALL FOR PAPERS: TPHOLs 2009

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From: Christian Urban <>

The 22th International Conference on
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics

17 - 20 August 2009 in Munich, Germany

* *

TPHOLs is a series of international conferences that started in 1988.
It brings together researchers working in all areas of interactive
theorem proving. The conference will be held on 17 - 20 August
2009 in Munich. As in previous years, the formal proceedings of
TPHOLs will appear as a volume of LNCS.


The program committee welcomes submissions on all aspects of theorem
proving in higher order logics, on related topics in theorem proving
and verification, and on relevant applications. The topics include, but
are not limited to, the following:

Specification and verification of hardware: microprocessors, memory
systems, buses, pipelines, etc; formal semantics of hardware design
languages; synthesis; formal design flows.

Specification and verification of software: program verification,
refinement, and synthesis for functional, declarative and imperative
languages; formal semantics of programming languages; compiler and
operating system verification; proof carrying code.

Industrial application of theorem provers.

Formalization of mathematical theories.

Advances in theorem prover technology: proof automation and decision
procedures, induction, combination of deductive and algorithmic
approaches, incorporation of theorem provers into larger systems,
combination of theorem provers with other provers and tools.

Other topics, including: user interfaces for theorem provers; development
and extension of higher order logics.

Proof Pearls: concise and elegant presentations of interesting examples.

Relevant research involving interactive first-order systems, such as ACL2
and Mizar, is also welcome. All authors are reminded that their work
should be presented in a way that users of other systems can understand.

Papers should be no more than 16 pages in length and are to be submitted
in PDF format. Submissions must describe original unpublished work not
submitted for publication elsewhere. They must conform to the LNCS style
preferably using LaTeX2e. The proceedings are to be published as a volume
in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series and will be available to
participants at the conference.

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their paper at the

As has been custom in previous years there will be an emerging trends
section. Submissions under this section will not be formally refereed, but
their content and relevance will be reviewed. Those submissions accepted
will be published in a technical report of the TU München, which will also
be available at the conference. Authors of accepted papers in this section
are expected to present a brief outline of their work at the conference
and to prepare a poster for display at the conference venue.

Important Dates

Submission: 8 March 2009
Author notification: 4 May 2009
Camera-ready papers due: 5 June 2009

Submission for the emerging
trends section 11 May 2009

Conference: 17 - 20 August 2009

Invited Speakers

David Basin ETH Zurich
John Harrison Intel
Wolfram Schulte Microsoft Research

Programme Committee

Thorsten Altenkirch Nottingham University
David Aspinall Edinburgh University
Jeremy Avigad Carnegie Mellon University
Gilles Barthe IMDEA
Christoph Benzmüller Saarland University
Peter Dybjer Chalmers University
Jean-Christophe Filliâtre LRI Paris
Georges Gonthier Microsoft Research
Mike Gordon Cambridge University
Jim Grundy Intel
Reiner Hähnle Chalmers University
Joe Hurd Galois
Gerwin Klein NICTA
Xavier Leroy INRIA
Pete Manolios Northeastern University
César Muñoz National Institute of Aerospace
Tobias Nipkow (co-chair) TU München
Michael Norrish NICTA
Sam Owre SRI International
Larry Paulson Cambridge University
Frank Pfenning Carnegie Mellon University
Randy Pollack Edinburgh University
Sofiène Tahar Concordia University
Laurent Théry INRIA
Christian Urban (co-chair) TU München
Freek Wiedijk Radboud University Nijmegen


Stefan Berghofer
Tobias Nipkow
Christian Urban
Makarius Wenzel

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC