From: Tayssir Touili <>
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22nd International Conference on
Computer Aided Verification (CAV)
CAV 2010
July 15 - 19, 2010
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Call for Papers
Aims and Scope
CAV 2010 is the 22nd in a series dedicated to the advancement of the
theory and practice of computer-aided formal analysis methods for
hardware and software systems. This year, CAV is part of the 5th
International Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2010), which includes
CAV and seven other conferences/symposia: CSF, ICLP, IJCAR, ITP, LICS,
RTA and SAT. More details about FLoC 2010 can be found at
CAV considers it vital to continue its leadership in hardware
verification, maintain its recent momentum in software verification, and
consider new domains such as biological systems. The conference covers
the spectrum from theoretical results to concrete applications, with an
emphasis on practical verification tools and the algorithms and
techniques that are needed for their implementation. The proceedings of
the conference will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series. A selection of papers will be invited to a
special issue of the International Journal on Formal Methods in System
Topics of interest include:
* Model checking techniques
* Algorithms and tools for verifying models and implementations
* Hardware verification techniques
* Hybrid systems and embedded systems verification
* Program analysis and software verification
* Modeling and specification formalisms
* Deductive, compositional, and abstraction techniques for verification
* Testing and runtime analysis based on verification technology
* Applications and case studies
* Verification in industrial practice
* Formal methods for biological systems
There will be pre-conference workshops on July 14 and July 15, and
post-conference workshops on July 20. Please see the conference website
for more details.
There will be tutorials on July 15 (first day of the conference).
Invited tutorial speakers
Invited speakers
CAV Award
An annual award, called the CAV Award, has been established
"For a specific fundamental contribution
or a series of outstanding contributions
to the field of Computer-Aided Verification."
The cited contribution(s) must have been made not more recently than
five years ago and not over twenty years ago. In addition, the
contribution(s) should not yet have received recognition via a major
award, such as the ACM Turing or Kanellakis Awards. (The nominee may
have received such an award for other contributions.)
The award of $10,000 will be granted to an individual or a group of
individuals chosen by the Award Committee from a list of nominations.
The Award Committee may choose to make no award in a given year.
The CAV Award will be presented in an award ceremony at the
Computer-Aided Verification Conference and a citation will be published
in a journal of record (currently, Formal Methods in System Design).
Anyone, with the exception of members of the Award Committee, is
eligible to receive the Award.
The 2010 CAV Award Committee consists of Orna Grumberg (chair), Moshe
Vardi, Joseph Sifakis, and Rajeev Alur. For the CAV Award in 2010,
please send nominations to the CAV Award Committee Chair:
Orna Grumberg : orna (at)
Nominations must be received by January 15, 2010.
Paper Submission
There are two categories of submissions:
A. Regular papers. Submissions, not exceeding fourteen (14) pages
using Springer's LNCS format, should contain original research, and
sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the
contribution. For papers reporting experimental results, authors are
strongly encouraged to make their data available with their submission.
Submissions reporting on case studies in an industrial context are
strongly invited, and should describe details, weaknesses and strength
in sufficient depth. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with
proceedings or submission of material that has already been published
elsewhere is not allowed.
B. Tool presentations. Submissions, not exceeding four (4) pages using
Springer's LNCS format, should describe the implemented tool and its
novel features. A demonstration is expected to accompany a tool
presentation. Papers describing tools that have already been presented
in this conference before will be accepted only if significant and clear
enhancements to the tool are reported and implemented.
Papers can be submitted in PDF or PS format. Submission is done with
EasyChair. The submission site is now open. Please
follow guidelines on the conference website:
Papers exceeding the stated maximum length run the risk of rejection
without review. The review process will include a feedback/rebuttal
period where authors will have the option to respond to reviewer
Important Dates
* Abstract submission: January 11, 2010
* Paper submission (firm): January 15, 2010
* Author feedback/rebuttal period: February 26 - March 1, 2010
* Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 15, 2010
* Final version due: April 16, 2010
Program Chairs
* Byron Cook: Microsoft Research, United Kingdom
* Paul Jackson: University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
* Tayssir Touili: LIAFA-CNRS, France
Program Committee
Rajeev Alur: University of Pennsylvania, US
Domagoj Babic: Synopsys, US
Christel Baier: Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Roderick Bloem: Graz University of Technology, Austria
Ahmed Bouajjani: LIAFA-University of Paris 7, France
Alessandro Cimatti: FBK-irst, Italy
Byron Cook: Microsoft Research, United Kingdom
Javier Esparza: Technische Universität München, Germany
Azadeh Farzan: University of Toronto, Canada
Martin Fränzle: University of Oldenburg, Germany
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan: University of Utah, US
Mike Gordon: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Orna Grumberg: Technion, Israel
Ziyad Hanna: Jasper, US
Holger Hermanns: Saarland University, Germany
Alan Hu: University of British Columbia, Canada
Paul Jackson: University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Kevin Jones: Green Plug, US
Vineet Kahlon: NEC Labs, US
Jean Krivine: Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, France
Daniel Kroening: Oxford University, United Kingdom
Sava Krstic: Intel Corporation, US
Marta Kwiatkowska: Oxford University, United Kingdom
Oded Maler: VERIMAG-CNRS, France
Kenneth McMillan: Cadence, US
David Monniaux: VERIMAG-CNRS, France
Markus Müller-Olm: Muenster University, Germany
Kedar Namjoshi: Bell Labs, US
Doron Peled: Bar Ilan University, Israel
Shaz Qadeer: Microsoft Research, US
Jean-Francois Raskin: Brussels University, Belgium
Natasha Sharygina: University of Lugano, Switzerland
Tayssir Touili: LIAFA-CNRS, France
Helmut Veith: University of Darmstadt, Germany
Kwangkeun Yi: Seoul National University, Korea
Karen Yorav: IBM Haifa, Israel
Greta Yorsh: IBM, US
Steering Committee
* Edmund M. Clarke: Carnegie Mellon University, US
* Mike Gordon: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
* Robert P. Kurshan: Cadence, US
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