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Topic: [isabelle] CFP - CATS 2009 -- Computing: The Australasian...

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From: Jeremy Dawson <>
First Call for Papers

CATS 2009 -- Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium

January 20-23, 2009

Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

The 15th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS) will be
held in Wellington, New Zealand, during January 20-23, 2009.
Wellington is on the southern tip of the North Island of NZ. CATS is
one of the two premier annual conferences in theoretical computer
science in the Asia-Pacific.


Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago, USA
Mark Guzdial, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA
Ronald Fagin, IBM Almaden, California, USA
Ross Anderson, Cambridge, UK
Andy Hopper, Cambridge, UK

New! From CATS 2009! There will be a discussion track!

Accepted papers will be available online three months prior to the
conference. Papers can be analysed and discussed online, so that the
time at the actual conference (in Wellington) can be utilised in a
much more productive manner. For further information, see

Authors are invited to submit papers that present original and
unpublished research on topics including (but not limited to) the
following areas: Algorithms and Data Structures, Complexity Theory,
Graph Theory, Graph Algorithms and Combinatorics, Semantics of
Programming Languages, Algorithms on Strings, Optimisation, Formal
Program Specification and Transformation, Computational Algebra and
Geometry, Computational Biology, Logic and Type systems, and New
Paradigms of Computation.


The deadline for paper submission is August 29, 2008 (abstracts should
be submitted a week earlier). Submissions should be made
electronically via

See submission details at:


Submitted papers will be thoroughly refereed. Accepted papers will
appear in the electronic proceedings at Papers that
are presented at CATS will appear in the ACM Digital Library. Full
details about the publication policy is available at the CRPIT website
( and

There will be a special issue of the Chicago Journal of Theoretical
Computer Science (CJTCS) devoted to CATS 2009.

For further information, see

Program Committee Co-Chairs:

Rod Downey, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
(firstName.familyName at,
Prabhu Manyem, University of Ballarat, Australia
(p.familyName at

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC